Re: [html-tests] (#4252)

# Chrome #
Testing revision 6fd799fe3e3826ee85a47e57476893e27c1d021d
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/html/dom/tokenlist.html]( ###
|                          Subtest                           | Results |
|                                                            | OK      |
| `div.dropzone: force toggle()`                             | FAIL    |
| ` length`                                        | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: add()`                                    | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: toggle()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: toggle()`                       | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: stringifier`                                  | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: length`            | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: toggle()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: Basic tests`    | PASS    |
| `th.headers: add()`                                        | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: stringifier`                                  | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: add()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: add()`             | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: Basic tests`                              | PASS    |
| ` remove()`                                         | FAIL    |
| ` stringifier`                                   | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: add()`          | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: remove()`                                      | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: Basic tests`                               | PASS    |
| `div.classList: remove()`                                  | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: length`                                     | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: stringifier`                                  | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: contains()`     | PASS    |
| `div.dropzone: add()`                                      | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: add()`                          | FAIL    |
| `output.htmlFor: force toggle()`                           | PASS    |
| `output.htmlFor: add()`                                    | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: length`                                     | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: indexing`                 | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: add()`                     | FAIL    |
| ` toggle()`                                         | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: remove()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: toggle()`       | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: remove()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: stringifier`                               | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: stringifier`                         | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: toggle()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: force toggle()`                       | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: force toggle()`                           | PASS    |
| `iframe.sandbox: remove()`                                 | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: force toggle()`                      | PASS    |
| `th.headers: force toggle()`                               | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: indexing`                            | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: remove()`                       | FAIL    |
| ` add()`                                         | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: indexing`          | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: Basic tests`                          | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: Basic tests`                                | PASS    |
| `output.htmlFor: length`                                   | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: force toggle()`                 | PASS    |
| ` contains()`                                       | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: indexing`                             | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: toggle()`                             | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: Basic tests`                                | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: stringifier`    | FAIL    |
| `div.dropzone: Basic tests`                                | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: contains()`                                    | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: add()`                                | FAIL    |
| `div.dropzone: toggle()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: toggle()`                                      | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: toggle()`                                  | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: remove()`          | FAIL    |
| `div.dropzone: stringifier`                                | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: contains()`                                   | PASS    |
| `div.dropzone: length`                                     | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: toggle()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: indexing`       | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: contains()`                          | PASS    |
| ` stringifier`                                      | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: toggle()`                 | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: contains()`                               | PASS    |
| `div.dropzone: indexing`                                   | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: add()`                                      | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: force toggle()`                             | FAIL    |
| ` contains()`                                    | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: remove()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: length`                               | FAIL    |
| `output.htmlFor: contains()`                               | PASS    |
| `MathML element classList: length`                         | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: indexing`                                     | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: stringifier`                                | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: stringifier`               | FAIL    |
| ` force toggle()`                                | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: length`                                   | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: length`                                       | FAIL    |
| `div.dropzone: remove()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: stringifier`                              | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: force toggle()`            | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: Basic tests`                                   | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: length`                                    | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: add()`                    | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: remove()`       | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: remove()`                             | FAIL    |
| ` remove()`                                      | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: toggle()`                                 | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: Basic tests`                                  | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: contains()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: force toggle()`                            | PASS    |
| `output.htmlFor: Basic tests`                              | PASS    |
| `link.sizes: Basic tests`                                  | PASS    |
| `link.relList: contains()`                                 | PASS    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: length`                    | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: force toggle()`                                | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: Basic tests`       | PASS    |
| `a.relList: indexing`                                      | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: contains()`                                 | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: add()`                                        | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: remove()`                                     | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: length`                                       | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: stringifier`              | FAIL    |
| ` force toggle()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: Basic tests`               | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: length`                                        | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: indexing`                                  | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: force toggle()`                             | PASS    |
| `output.htmlFor: stringifier`                              | FAIL    |
| `output.htmlFor: indexing`                                 | FAIL    |
| `iframe.sandbox: indexing`                                 | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: add()`                               | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: remove()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `div.dropzone: contains()`                                 | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: toggle()`                            | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: force toggle()`    | PASS    |
| ` Basic tests`                                   | FAIL    |
| `link.relList: indexing`                                   | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: length`                                       | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: Basic tests`                                  | FAIL    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: length`         | FAIL    |
| `output.htmlFor: remove()`                                 | FAIL    |
| ` toggle()`                                      | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: indexing`                                     | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: add()`                                        | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: contains()`                     | PASS    |
| `output.htmlFor: toggle()`                                 | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: toggle()`                  | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: stringifier`                                | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: indexing`                  | FAIL    |
| ` Basic tests`                                      | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.classList: remove()`                            | FAIL    |
| ` indexing`                                         | FAIL    |
| ` indexing`                                      | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: toggle()`          | FAIL    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: contains()`                           | FAIL    |
| `area.relList: toggle()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: stringifier`                                   | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: contains()`               | PASS    |
| `XHTML div.classList: length`                              | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: length`                   | FAIL    |
| `td.headers: contains()`                                   | FAIL    |
| `link.sizes: force toggle()`                               | PASS    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: contains()`                | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: contains()`        | PASS    |
| `td.headers: force toggle()`                               | FAIL    |
| `Element with null namespace classList: stringifier`       | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: indexing`                       | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: stringifier`                    | FAIL    |
| ` add()`                                            | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: Basic tests`              | PASS    |
| `Made-up HTML element dropzone: remove()`                  | FAIL    |
| `a.relList: add()`                                         | FAIL    |
| ` length`                                           | FAIL    |
| `div.classList: contains()`                                | PASS    |
| `XHTML div.dropzone: stringifier`                          | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: remove()`                 | FAIL    |
| `MathML element classList: Basic tests`                    | PASS    |
| `XHTML div.classList: Basic tests`                         | PASS    |
| `area.relList: indexing`                                   | FAIL    |
| `th.headers: indexing`                                     | FAIL    |
| `Made-up HTML element classList: force toggle()`           | PASS    |
| `Element with made-up namespace classList: force toggle()` | PASS    |
| `area.relList: add()`                                      | FAIL    |

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Received on Monday, 28 November 2016 03:06:38 UTC