Re: [fetch-tests] Find affected test files when support files change, and run stability checker on the tests (#4100)

# Chrome #
Testing revision 5e18e7cccc070861edcce4f29c04f77d9a8d0ba6
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/fetch/api/basic/request-headers.html]( ###
|                             Subtest                             | Results |
|                                                                 | OK      |
| `Fetch with POST with ArrayBuffer body`                         | PASS    |
| `Fetch with PUT with body`                                      | PASS    |
| `Fetch with GET`                                                | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Uint8Array body`                          | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with DataView body`                            | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Int8Array body`                           | PASS    |
| `Fetch with GET and mode "cors" does not need an Origin header` | PASS    |
| `Fetch with Chicken with body`                                  | PASS    |
| `Fetch with PUT and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header`  | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Float32Array body`                        | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with URLSearchParams body`                     | PASS    |
| `Fetch with TacO and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header` | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with FormData body`                            | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Float64Array body`                        | PASS    |
| `Fetch with Chicken`                                            | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Blob body with mime type`                 | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Blob body`                                | PASS    |
| `Fetch with HEAD`                                               | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST and mode "no-cors" needs an Origin header`     | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST without body`                                  | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with text body`                                | PASS    |
| `Fetch with TacO and mode "cors" needs an Origin header`        | PASS    |
| `Fetch with PUT without body`                                   | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header` | PASS    |

### [/fetch/api/basic/request-headers-worker.html]( ###
|                             Subtest                             | Results |
|                                                                 | OK      |
| `Fetch with POST with ArrayBuffer body`                         | PASS    |
| `Fetch with PUT with body`                                      | PASS    |
| `Fetch with GET`                                                | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Uint8Array body`                          | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with DataView body`                            | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Int8Array body`                           | PASS    |
| `Fetch with GET and mode "cors" does not need an Origin header` | PASS    |
| `Fetch with Chicken with body`                                  | PASS    |
| `Fetch with PUT and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header`  | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Float32Array body`                        | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with URLSearchParams body`                     | PASS    |
| `Fetch with TacO and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header` | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with FormData body`                            | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Float64Array body`                        | PASS    |
| `Fetch with Chicken`                                            | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Blob body with mime type`                 | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with Blob body`                                | PASS    |
| `Fetch with HEAD`                                               | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST and mode "no-cors" needs an Origin header`     | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST without body`                                  | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST with text body`                                | PASS    |
| `Fetch with TacO and mode "cors" needs an Origin header`        | PASS    |
| `Fetch with PUT without body`                                   | PASS    |
| `Fetch with POST and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header` | PASS    |

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Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 03:12:39 UTC