Re: [dom-tests] Add tests for Event.cancelBubble (#4304)

# Firefox #
Testing revision bb75b7c6a14724992bc9036520a31871635d638b
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/dom/events/Event-initEvent.html]( ###
|                               Subtest                               | Results |
|                                                                     | OK      |
| `Properties of initEvent(type, true, false)`                        | PASS    |
| `Calling initEvent during propagation.`                             | PASS    |
| `Properties of initEvent(type, false, true)`                        | PASS    |
| `Calling initEvent must unset the stop immediate propagation flag.` | PASS    |
| `Calling initEvent must unset the stop propagation flag.`           | PASS    |
| `Calling initEvent multiple times (getting type).`                  | PASS    |
| `Calling initEvent multiple times (not getting type).`              | PASS    |
| `Properties of initEvent(type, true, true)`                         | PASS    |
| `Properties of initEvent(type, false, false)`                       | PASS    |
| `Calling initEvent must not have an effect during dispatching.`     | PASS    |

### [/dom/events/Event-dispatch-multiple-cancelBubble.html]( ###
|                   Subtest                   | Results |
|                                             | OK      |
| `Multiple dispatchEvent() and cancelBubble` | PASS    |

### [/dom/events/Event-propagation.html]( ###
|                     Subtest                      | Results |
|                                                  | OK      |
| `After cancelBubble=true`                        | PASS    |
| `Reinitialized after stopPropagation()`          | PASS    |
| `Reinitialized after cancelBubble=true`          | PASS    |
| `Reinitialized after stopImmediatePropagation()` | PASS    |
| `After stopImmediatePropagation()`               | PASS    |
| `After stopPropagation()`                        | PASS    |
| `Newly-created Event`                            | PASS    |

### [/dom/events/Event-cancelBubble.html]( ###
|                                 Subtest                                  | Results |
|                                                                          | ERROR   |
| `cancelBubble must be false when an event is initially created.`         | PASS    |
| `Event.cancelBubble=false must have no effect.`                          | FAIL    |
| `Event.cancelBubble=false must have no effect during event propagation.` | PASS    |
| `stopPropagation() must set cancelBubble to true.`                       | PASS    |
| `Initializing an event must set cancelBubble to false.`                  | PASS    |
| `cancelBubble must be false after an event has been dispatched.`         | PASS    |
| `Event.cancelBubble=true must set the stop propagation flag.`            | PASS    |
| `stopImmediatePropagation() must set cancelBubble to true.`              | PASS    |

### [/dom/events/Event-dispatch-bubble-canceled.html]( ###
|                       Subtest                        | Results |
|                                                      | OK      |
| `Setting cancelBubble=true prior to dispatchEvent()` | PASS    |

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Received on Friday, 9 December 2016 04:05:47 UTC