Re: [dom-tests] Make dom/nodes/Node-cloneNode.html create all tests properly (#4272)

# Firefox #
Testing revision 4a3d708ac041686359ee1d67cba07efa5fb1a7b2
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/dom/nodes/Node-cloneNode.html]( ###
|               Subtest               | Results |
|                                     | OK      |
| `createElement(dialog)`             | FAIL    |
| `createElement(figure)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(bdi)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(area)`               | PASS    |
| `implementation.createDocument`     | PASS    |
| `createElement(mark)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(unknown)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(button)`             | PASS    |
| `implementation.createDocumentType` | PASS    |
| `createElement(style)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(p)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(h4)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(nobr)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(body)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(time)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(meta)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(source)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(ins)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(address)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(i)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(object)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(wbr)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(pre)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(hr)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(html)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(dl)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(progress)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(q)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(nav)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(h5)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(th)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(li)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(link)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(title)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(select)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(table)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(small)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(font)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(bdo)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(tr)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(iframe)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(applet)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(aside)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(col)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(marquee)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement with attributes`     | PASS    |
| `createElement(form)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(h6)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(cite)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(a)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(hgroup)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(article)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(dd)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(output)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(datalist)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(details)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(noframes)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(kbd)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(rt)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(s)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(center)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(strike)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(audio)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(data)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(b)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(map)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(img)`                | PASS    |
| `implementation.createHTMLDocument` | PASS    |
| `createElement(del)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(summary)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(caption)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(canvas)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(option)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(track)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(sup)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(var)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(dfn)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(textarea)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(div)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(optgroup)`           | PASS    |
| `createProcessingInstruction`       | PASS    |
| `createElement(template)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(param)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(frameset)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(acronym)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(spacer)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(rp)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(dt)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(td)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(blockquote)`         | PASS    |
| `createElement(tbody)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(ul)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(h1)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(u)`                  | PASS    |
| `createElement(header)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(video)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(isindex)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(main)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(head)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(label)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(tt)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(big)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(ruby)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(dir)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(h2)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElementNS non-HTML`          | PASS    |
| `createElement(footer)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(span)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(sub)`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(figcaption)`         | PASS    |
| `createElement(legend)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(code)`               | PASS    |
| `createComment`                     | PASS    |
| `createElement(embed)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(abbr)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(samp)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(colgroup)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(br)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(frame)`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(ol)`                 | PASS    |
| `createElement(meter)`              | PASS    |
| `createElementNS HTML`              | PASS    |
| `createElement(fieldset)`           | PASS    |
| `createElement(base)`               | PASS    |
| `createElement(section)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(h3)`                 | PASS    |
| `createDocumentFragment`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(script)`             | PASS    |
| `createElement(bgsound)`            | PASS    |
| `createElement(noscript)`           | PASS    |
| `node with children`                | PASS    |
| `createElement(input)`              | PASS    |
| `createTextNode`                    | PASS    |

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Received on Thursday, 1 December 2016 09:55:00 UTC