Re: [webrtc-tests] Upstream RTCDataChannelEvent and RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent ctor tests (#4270)

# Firefox #
Testing revision c07d1472ef4a6ea0047d5eb7d933cb9cad82b72f
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/webrtc/RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent-constructor.html]( ###
|                                   Subtest                                   | Results |
|                                                                             | OK      |
| `RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent constructor with candidate passed as undefined.` | PASS    |
| `RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent constructor with full arguments.`                | PASS    |
| `RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent constructor with no candidate provided.`         | PASS    |
| `RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent constructor with candidate passed as null.`      | PASS    |

### [/webrtc/RTCDataChannelEvent-constructor.html]( ###
|                                Subtest                                | Results |
|                                                                       | OK      |
| `RTCDataChannelEvent constructor with a channel passed as undefined.` | FAIL    |
| `RTCDataChannelEvent constructor without a required argument.`        | FAIL    |
| `RTCDataChannelEvent constructor with channel passed as null.`        | FAIL    |
| `RTCDataChannelEvent constructor with full arguments.`                | PASS    |

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Received on Thursday, 1 December 2016 02:24:40 UTC