Re: [url-tests] Add tests for URL setters (#2830)

OK, I found one bug in our scheme parsing state. The remaining list of things where either jsdom/whatwg-url has a bug or the spec is not matched, accounting for the failure to distinguish throwing setters from no-ops as mentioned above, is these four:

<>.protocol = "b" Spec deviation: from special scheme to not is not problematic.
<ssh://>.protocol = "http" Spec deviation: from non-special scheme with a host to special is not problematic.
<>.host = "" Port number is removed if empty in the new value:
<>.port = "" Port number is removed if empty in the new value:

I count two spec deviations plus the problem I mentioned above where I can't find where in the spec the port number is removed if empty is the new value.

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Received on Friday, 15 April 2016 22:50:10 UTC