[.travis.yml-tests][docs-tests][html-tests][lint-tests][manifest-tests][serve-tests][test-infra] Update manifest to support reftest chains. (#1576)
[2dcontext-tests] drawCustomFocusRing (#547)
[2dcontext-tests] Rerun 2dcontext/tools/gentest.py (#1603)
[2dcontext-tests][html-tests] Sync 2dcontext tests to #1599. Closes #1603. (#1619)
[2dcontext-tests][html-tests] Update test size.attributes.parse.whitespace.html (#1599)
[battery-status-tests] Check getBattery() always return the same promise (#1623)
[battery-status-tests] Format and improve tests for Battery Status API (#1616)
[battery-status-tests] Update description of battery tests (#1644)
[battery-status-tests] Update idlharness tests for Battery Status API to latest CR (#1620)
[battery-status-tests] Update test preconditions for Battery Status API (#1609)
[battery-status-tests] Update tests for Battery Status API to latest CR (#1610)
[conformance-checkers-tests][html-tests][webmidi-tests] Add test for Web MIDI API. (#1612)
[content-security-policy-tests] Contributing Blink's Content Security Policy layout tests. (#1635)
[CSP-tests] Mozilla csp tests (#1634)
[CSP-tests] WebAppSec CSP tests (#113)
[CSP-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] WebKit CSP tests (#118)
[CSP-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Mozilla CSP tests (#115)
[difficulty:easy-tests][dom-tests] document-lastModified uses a locale-specific string (#1246)
[difficulty:easy-tests][dom-tests][html-tests] Add tests for liveness of NodeLists/HTMLCollections. (#1505)
[difficulty:easy-tests][html-tests] Add a test for the {Window,Document}.location getters. (#1506)
[DOMEvents-tests] Remove a test for DISPATCH_REQUEST_ERR. (#1642)
[DOMEvents-tests] Remove a test for UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR. (#1631)
[DOMEvents-tests] Remove the custom test runner for DOMEvents tests. (#1638)
[DOMEvents-tests] Rewrite Microsoft's KeyboardEvent tests. (#1630)
[DOMEvents-tests] Run all code inside the test in event-phases-order.html. (#1643)
[DOMEvents-tests][dom-tests] Move Determined.candidate.EventListeners.html into place and clean it up. (#1639)
[DOMEvents-tests][dom-tests] Move Propagation.path.target.{moved,removed}.html into place and clean them up. (#1632)
[DOMEvents-tests][dom-tests] Rewrite the test for redispatching native events. (#1637)
[DOMEvents-tests][dom-tests] Rewrite the test for reentering event dispatching. (#1646)
[DOMEvents-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Move Microsoft's DOM Events tests into position. (#56)
[FileAPI-tests] Add error tests for File API (#1622)
[FileAPI-tests] Test a FileList object in the automated idlharness test. (#1601)
[html-media-capture-tests] Add test for user denial of captured file (#1618)
[html-tests] Add a test for Document#currentScript. (#1633)
[html-tests] Add a test for input.files. (#1613)
[html-tests] Add some tests for the end. (#1624)
[html-tests] Add test for default prevented 'beforescriptexecute' event (#1645)
[html-tests] Define a strigifier on the URLUtils interfaces. (#1621)
[html-tests] Improve and extend script-for-event.html. (#1611)
[html-tests] Improve and extend script-for-event.html. (#1641)
[html-tests] pat 2 - Don't set the 'badInput' state on <input type=email> for punycode encoding failures. (#1607)
[html-tests] Submit Opera's before/afterscriptexecute events tests. (#1647)
[html-tests][old-tests] Move the history and location tests into place (#1597)
[html-tests][old-tests] Rewrite the tests for synthetic PopStateEvents. (#1617)
[html-tests][test-infra] Lint more of html. (#1650)
[html-tests][test-infra] Support multiple variants of a test distinguished by query or fragment (#1651)
[infrastructure-tests] Move failing-test.html out of common. (#1605)
[media-source-tests] Make redundant-seek use longer timeouts. (#1608)
[notifications-tests] Add new notification events tests (#1614)
[notifications-tests] Added very basic tests of Notification instance. (#1625)
[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Rune/ancestor 20140319 (#790)
[test-infra] Add support for top-level https tests (#1648)
[test-infra] Fix the manifest.load call in the test runner. (#1649)
[test-infra] Manifest generation dies during generation. (#1640)
[WebCryptoAPI-tests] add more tests for crypto.getRandomValues (#1604)
[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Cgdjmr/crypto api tests (#1606)
[WebCryptoAPI-tests][test-infra] Import a Mozilla Crypto API test. (#1490)
[webmidi-tests] Add test for Web MIDI API. (#1612)
[webmidi-tests] Add test for Web MIDI API. (#1629)
[workers-tests] Fix intermittent workers test to not depend on event ordering between load and postMessage (#1626)
[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Extend the withCredentials test. (#1627)
- Ms2ger (Wednesday, 18 February)
[XMLHttpRequest-tests] XMLHttpRequestEventTarget should have an interface object as of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27823 (#1615)
Add a test for Document#currentScript. (#1633)
Add error tests for File API (#1622)
add more tests for crypto.getRandomValues (#1604)
Add new notification events tests (#1614)
Add test for user denial of captured file (#1618)
Add test for Web MIDI API. (#1612)
Add test for Web MIDI API. (#1629)
Fix intermittent workers test to not depend on event ordering between load and postMessage (#1626)
Format and improve tests for Battery Status API (#1616)
- kangxu (Wednesday, 11 February)
- kangxu (Wednesday, 11 February)
Improve XMLHttpRequest test coverage of request error steps with progress events sending 0 and 0 (#1628)
Lint more of html. (#1650)
Move the history and location tests into place (#1597)
Mozilla csp tests (#1634)
Rewrite the test for redispatching native events. (#1637)
Submit Opera's before/afterscriptexecute events tests. (#1647)
- Ms2ger (Thursday, 26 February)
Update idlharness tests for Battery Status API to latest CR (#1620)
- kangxu (Thursday, 12 February)
- kangxu (Thursday, 12 February)
Update manifest to support reftest chains. (#1576)
Update tests for Battery Status API to latest CR (#1610)
- kangxu (Wednesday, 11 February)
- kangxu (Wednesday, 11 February)
- kangxu (Tuesday, 10 February)
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget should have an interface object as of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27823 (#1615)
Last message date: Friday, 27 February 2015 10:31:37 UTC