Re: [touch-events-tests] Added constructor tests for Touch and TouchEvent (#2299)

Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, 9 unresolved discussions.


*[touch-events/touch-touchevent-constructor.html, line 19 \[r3\]]( ([raw file](*
Looking on my phone, it doesn't seem to improve much? Anyway, we could discuss that outside this PR if you feel strongly.


*[touch-events/touch-touchevent-constructor.html, line 28 \[r3\]]( ([raw file](*
I may end up fixing the existing tests at some point, and I don't blame anyone for picking up sub-optimal habits, but I'd like to avoid them in new tests.


*Comments from the [review on](*
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Received on Wednesday, 23 December 2015 16:56:11 UTC