Re: [url-tests] URL setters test (#1408)

`href` has a different codepath for `URL` objects vs `<a>`.

If you want to use JSON you need to use a list, as object order is not defined and we do not want indeterminate results.

Per specification `#` is escaped for passwords.

I recommend testing the delimiters. All the things where the normal parser would branch. E.g. when setting pathname, you want to test things like `../`, `..?x`, `..#x`, `x#`, etc. (Now I take a closer look I see you've done some of that already for other properties, great.)

It would also be good to test unknown schemes here I guess. As per mailing list discussion the way they work needs to change and that will impact these algorithms. Although maybe you want to wait until we have an actual plan in place.

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Received on Sunday, 23 November 2014 10:20:59 UTC