Re: [WebIDL-tests] Test current Realm (still to be defined in more detail) (#1381)

@annevk Thanks for writing up this test!

Some other things I suspect are worth checking:

1)  The global of crypto API Promise return values when methods from one global are applied to the crypto.subtle of another global.

2)  The global of FontFace/FontFaceSet promises.

3)  The global of `getElementsByTagName` return values.

4)  The global of `NamedNodeMap.prototype.getNamedItem` return values.

5)  The return value of `getImageData` (instead of `createImageData`).

6)  The return value of things like `createImageBitmap` where it's supported; both the Promise returned and the value the Promise is eventually resolved with.  In particular, whether it depends on the global of the argument.

7)  The global of the return value of `HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext`.

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Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 17:43:20 UTC