Re: WebPerfWG call - November 17th 8:30am ET / 2:30pm CET

from the call are now published.

Copying here for convenience:

WebPerfWG call - November 17th 2023

   - Yoav Weiss, Nic Jansma, Ian Clelland, Carine Bournez, Sia Karamalegos,
   Andy Davies, Barry Pollard, Michal Mocny, Ming-Ying Chung, Noam Rosenthal,
   Sean Feng, Anne van Kesteren, Lucas Pardue, Rafael Libre, Andrew Galloni,
   Philip Tellis


   - *Yoav*: Want to hash out things related to fetchLater API
   - ... Anne has some questions regarding various restrictions on the API
   - Ming-Ying: Current open question is about limiting third-party usage
   of the API through something like Permissions Policy.
   - *Yoav*: Right now, this is behind background-fetch permission
   - Ming-Ying: In our current proposal, we agree to allow request to be
   sent after navigating away
   - ... Otherwise the request ???
   - *Yoav*: Anne from the thread it sounded like this was not necessarily
   - *Anne*: Two issues
   - ... One is that background-sync as far as I know doesn't have multiple
   implementor interest (Chromium-only API)
   - ... Using that permission for this new API doesn't seem good
   - ... background-sync is enabled by default in cross-origin documents,
   doesn't seem good to us
   - *Yoav*: Can you elaborate on that?
   - ... Specific permission is not necessarily critical to the use-case
   - ... Being able to beacon data from cross-origin documents seems like
   an important piece
   - *Noam*: We're talking about background-fetch not background-sync right?
   - ... background-fetch is letting Service Workers continue fetch when
   document is closed
   - ... background-sync is e.g. every 24h getting data for the application
   - *Ian*: I thought we used background-sync for this, and also as a
   signal for reporting
   - ... Using as a general "Can the browser send things out-of-band"
   - ... Not sure if it needs to be renamed?
   - *Fergal*: Previous discussions have been about background-sync, not
   sure what the code uses
   - *Yoav*: One discussion where we can dig further, but larger discussion
   is around enabling background fetches in cross-origin documents
   - ... Is this an important use-case?  Seems like it would be
   - ... Why is that an issue from Anne's perspective?
   - *Anne*: Main issue is having it by default
   - ... I think it should be opt-in
   - ... We hold the top-level context responsible for resource usage
   - ... Group them as far as limits go
   - ... So we don't allow website to circumvent limits to have
   cross-origin documents
   - ... In some cases fetches happen after user closes tab
   - ... Given there's limits, seems like top-level context should have
   first shot at filling up limit
   - ... They could deleage to cross-origin descendents
   - ... Don't want them to be able to queue anything
   - *Nic*: A question to make sure I understand - cross origin documents,
   are we talking about iframes or cross origin resources?
   - *Noam*: iframes
   - *Nic*: Other cross origin documents, ok
   - *Anne*: other documents
   - Ming-Ying: Question about background-sync or background-fetch, the
   suggestion was to use background-sync
   - ... According to the user-interface, the permission is relevant
   - *Fergal*: On the cross-origin thing, if I'm a developer, and I examine
   the permissions policy and find out fetchLater is disallowed, I'm just
   going to send all my data eagerly instead
   - ... No limit how much data I can send with fetch()
   - ... Seems worse for the user
   - *Anne*: Depends on what the user is going to do after they close the
   - *Fergal*: Imagining this scenario where there's vast quantities of
   data wanting to be sent after the tab is closed
   - ... Are we defending against something that isn't likely to happen?
   - *Anne*: Is there a shared-limit for the tab, in that case we don't
   want X-O documents to take over limit
   - *Yoav*: Until now we didn't talk about shared limits for the tab,
   limit per reporting origin
   - ... in the past we have seen, X-O resources on the page compete with
   each other on the quota for the sendBeacon
   - ... sendBeacon was quota up until the number of seconds during which
   the browser is sending the beacon.  Here's a longer quota, so we want
   reasonable limits on a per-reporting-origin basis.
   - ... Maybe there's room to have document-wide or tab-wide limits
   - ... We want to (1) make sure API -- people don't send to much data on
   per-origin basis
   - ... (2) we want to protect users from abuse with a significantly
   higher per-tab quota
   - *Anne*: Just-origin doesn't cut it, has to be top-level plus reporting
   - *Yoav*: Not talking about X-O communication here
   - *Noam*: Risk is those things accumulate, and you can't stop them by
   just closing a tab
   - ... Close a bunch of tabs, and you accumulate things that will happen
   where you have no control of anymore
   - ... Permissions-Policy does make sense here, enable by default but you
   can turn it off for third-parties
   - ... All of this network activity you can't control as you're closing
   tab, not related to fetching inside of the document
   - *Fergal*: Another point Anne touched on, if we have a per-origin
   quota, you have unlimited quota, unlimited iframes on origin you want.
   Queue that data under that quota.
   - *Yoav*: If we have a top-level site plus reporting origin, then you
   need multiple origins, infra cost.
   - *Nic*: Unless you limit to top-level reporting origin (plus document
   - *Anne*: I was thinking that top-level origin of frame
   - *Noam*: Per register-able domain for the target URL, and per origin of
   the document
   - ... Otherwise you can do subdomain trick and fight other RUM providers
   - *Anne*: If there's a limit for top-level origin shared amongst the
   tab, how does that work?
   - *Noam*: You need that, plus a smaller quota for the reporting TLD
   - *Anne*: A single top-level origin would have embedded both
   - ... Are they in sub-documents or scripts?
   - *Yoav*: Scripts
   - *Anne*: That's why you're talking about target origin
   - ... Overall limit is for top-level origin, then smaller for target
   - *Fergal*: 64K for top-level origin and 64K for everyone else
   - *Noam*: One is reporting origin and one is the reporting sink
   - ... 256K for top-level document origin, 64K for target
   - *Fergal*: What happens if you use it in a subframe?
   - *Noam*: You might fail
   - *Anne*: In case where we allow 4 buckets in top-level site, and
   subframe as Permissions delegation, then subframe could fill up all of
   those buckets in theory
   - *Yoav*: Thing we have to bear in mind, that delegation has deployment
   - ... We need to see the benefits we're getting from those limits
   outweigh the costs
   - *Fergal*: Maybe revive, idea to send stuff early if buffer fills up,
   you flush it
   - ... No guarantee when things are sent
   - *Yoav*: We changed model so queuing up extra data will fail and
   developers can do that on their own
   - *Noam*: About later, this is on top of fetchLater(), buffering fails,
   you have userland pending beacon that does this buffering stuff
   - *Fergal*: That inverts the order
   - ... Lose that data or send it early
   - ... Have this other data that gets queued, and now you're sending data
   where buffer is full, and still haven't sent data from earlier
   - *Noam*: Doesn't invert order, stack
   - ... I don't think we can do what Yoav is saying, if global quota for
   the tab, and no Permissions Policy, X-O frames can detect which RUM
   providers you have on top-level frames by trying  to send to them
   - ... Opt-out somehow
   - *Nic*: detection is trivial today
   - *Yoav*: Not across frames
   - *Noam*: If we have a global quota we need a permission policy
   - … Agree that this inverting things from a queue to a stack is not great
   - *Fergal*: You can still queue. You can’t guarantee that you’d empty
   the buffer faster than someone else filling it. Unclear how that would work
   - *Ian*: Is there an open thread on what the quota model should be
   - *Noam*: long thread on GH
   - Ming-Ying: have an issue. I’ll reopen it.
   - *Ian*: Is there room for experimentation on this, or do we need to
   decide on this after shipping?
   - *Noam*: The numbers can change later. People would get “quota
   exceeded” error
   - … Also, does the quota need to be specified? Can we have different
   quotas for mobile/desktop? Why should this be interoperable?
   - *Anne*: If you were to write a library that uses this, you’d want to
   know what the values are roughly
   - *Fergal*: so a minimum value need to be specified
   - *Noam*: defining the minimum to 64K can be a good start and then
   Chromium can play with it
   - *Fergal*: But would the permission policy be on or off by default?
   - *Noam*: Has to be off
   - *Yoav*: Could be interesting to look at different use-cases and which
   would be significantly harmed by off-by-default
   - ... Suspect RUM providers won't be affected because they're injected
   as a top-level script
   - ... Ads or third-party widgets under that could be a hard time
   convincing to give a permission, or resort to other means
   - *Fergal*: Have any partners to talk to?
   - ... Not even about convincing these people, they have to be aware
   - *Yoav*: 3P have to convince their embeds they have permission to use
   - *Fergal*: A load of people who don't know how internet works
   - ... Embed ads on their blog or whatever
   - ... Seems like couldn't be used by a lot of ads
   - *Nic*: Boomerang has a way of being loaded through a non-blocking
   iframe. We still use this in modern browsers. Would dynamically created
   about:blank iframe be cross-origin?
   - *Anne*: that’s same origin
   - *Ian*: If you’re creating the iframe, you can add the allow attribute
   - *Yoav*: if that's the case, not a problem and you can add a
   Permissions Policy
   - ... Useful to talk to people actually doing this and see which case
   aren't allowed by off-by-default policy
   - *Barry*: What do we gain if we don't say embed this iframe, but embed
   this script and we'll handle it?
   - *Noam*: Many times ad providers tell pages what to do, and not the
   other way around
   - *Anne*: I think without it, in principle, a security issue where
   different origins can figure out what other origins are doing.  One origin
   fills the limit, another origin can figure out.
   - ... Top-level origin includes whatever script and trusts them, that
   script can do anything
   - ... Seems like sketch practice to do
   - *Yoav*: How most of the internet work
   - *Anne*: At least we should make sure security model, try to uphold
   some basic things
   - *Yoav*: I think this would be a hurdle for 3P providers considering
   moving to isolated iframe vs. injecting a script, this would be a hurdle on
   the way there
   - *Barry*:  This would encourage doing the sketchy thing
   - *Yoav*: Agree if we have a top-level, limits are triple-keyed
   (top-level origin, iframe origin, reporting origin), or we need some form
   of enforcement that flows from the top-down
   - *Anne*: With many-keying thing I think you still want an overall
   limit, still have problem
   - *Yoav*: But you won't know which other RUM providers, know top level
   quota was use,d but don't know of anyone specific
   - *Fergal*: Assumes sub-quotas are smaller than the overall quota
   - *Noam*: Yes
   - ... Obfuscates the problem a bit
   - ... In the end you want a single tab to control this
   - ... I don't think I've heard any alternatives to an off-by-default
   Permissions Policy here
   - *Yoav*: If we go back to triple-keyed, each quotas in IFRAME are tied
   to reporting origin in ways that they cannot tell if anyone else in another
   IFRAME is using same reporting origin
   - ... 64K for each reporting origins, overall quota for 640K for entire
   - ... In this scenario, each frame can only know if quota was exhausted
   by everyone else, but doesn't know which frame exhausted the quota.
   - ... Too much of an info leak?
   - *Noam*: Let's them know someone else used fetchLater()
   - *Yoav*: If multiple providers are using it, it seems
   - *Noam*: Could tell you top-level origin is logged in for example
   - ... If page only turns on RUM if logged in
   - *Yoav*: Infer specific behavior on specific scenarios on specific sites
   - *Noam*: Top-level tab does a lot of fetchLater() when logged in but
   not when it's not
   - ... 3P iframe tries to fill quota, guesses they're logged in
   - *Fergal*: Site has to upload full quota on all 10 64Ks
   - *Noam*: Only has to fill one, IFRAME has to fill all the rest, then it
   can determine someone
   - *Fergal*: Give each frame, has a limited quota, then it can't fill out
   the other 9 things
   - ... Don't want one frame to fill up all of the slots
   - *Yoav*: Off-by-default Permissions Policy comes in as a guard
   - ... Deployment issue for third-parties
   - ... If we don't do that, top-level quota would be a privacy issue
   - ... If we don't do that, we're risking abuse when user closes a tab
   - *Barry*: What is the point of this quota?  If closed tab, we shouldn't
   be sending a ton of data for hours
   - ... Can we limit sending beacon time, N minutes
   - *Yoav*: Then you're losing data. Also if someone else exhausted the
   - *Fergal*: When you call fetchLater() we can say "no you can't" and the
   script can do something else
   - ... When the page isn't closed, and you're queuing data, and we return
   false, you can send data now
   - *Anne*: I don't agree it's a deployment problem
   - ... Most solutions have some kind of script in place in top-level
   - *Yoav*: Potential problem
   - *Fergal*: For RUM providers
   - *Yoav*: For 3P widgets, may be an issue
   - ... If everyone injects top-level scripts, and no one intends to stop,
   then maybe this isn't a problem
   - *Fergal*: Are ads created by top-level scripts?  They could
   communicate between frames
   - *Yoav*: If they're creating IFRAMEs, they could allow a quota within
   in those IFRAMEs
   - *Fergal*: Maybe a problem where people have casually created multiple
   FRAMEs in a page, and they put ads or RUM in a non-top-level frame and they
   haven't given it permission
   - *Barry*: If their script is changing to use fetchLater() then they can
   change their script
   - *Ian*: We've added permissions policies for things like Full Screen
   where YouTube had to update their loading snippets
   - *Yoav*: This would be a hurdle to adoption for those
   - ... I think it'll be useful to talk to those 3Ps
   - ... Any one of those widgets if they're telling people to embed IFRAME
   directly then they have to change their advice, only work for new
   - *Fergal*: If I want to embed YouTube in my site, I know where I
   dropped it, I can change it.  But if it's embedded by script, it has to
   know where to add the frame
   - *Yoav*: What would be a good list of action items?
   - ... Open an issue to discuss this specific issue
   - ... Other than that it would be good to talk to 3Ps that are likely to
   be affected by decision
   - ... See how sad they would be about it
   - ... Another option, we have an Origin Trial running for this.
   - *Fergal*: Very close to starting to run
   - *Yoav*: Would it be possible to add a counter for how many bytes are
   being queued up
   - ... See if this is an issue?
   - ... If no one is queuing up more than 100K
   - *Fergal*: We could look at sendBeacon and fetch(keepalive:)
   - *Yoav*: Would need to know entire lifetime of the document, how much
   do they send
   - ... Assuming no duplicate data, at end of lifetime, how much would
   that be
   - ... Insert data into this discussion
   - ... sendBeacon() and fetch(keepalive:) will give us data about what
   people are doing in the wild
   - *Nic*: Boomerang can send up to 50K, so could be approaching the 64K
   limit, post compression. Some sites have lots of resources
   - *Philip*: Error beacons can contain stack traces as well
   - *Yoav*: So a 64K limit would be tight?
   - *Nic*: Can look at the data
   - *Fergal*: Would you put your errors through this API?
   - *Nic*: Ideally yes. We’d love to send everything in a single beacon,
   including errors
   - … most other providers don’t collect resource timing
   - *Andy*: Yeah, we don’t collect them. Aggregate it on the client
   - *Ian*: Should we add a counter for any usage in cross origin frames
   during the OT?
   - *Fergal*: easy to log that
   - *Yoav*: sendBeacon in cross-origin iframes can also be an indication

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 1:08 PM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> This Friday we're having an out-of-band meeting (due to TZs) to discuss
> <> the `fetchLater` API with
> Fetch folks. If you have opinions on the API, or are simply curious, feel
> free to hop on the call!
> Cheers :)
> Yoav

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 06:40:11 UTC