Re: PSA: longtasks & hidden windows

Hey Noam,

First thought is for people using automation tools like Puppeteer in their
CI to execute tests: what about headless browser windows? Are they
considered "visible" or in the background?


On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 4:17 PM Noam Rosenthal <> wrote:

> Hola webperfies
> I'm planning to introduce a change to the implementation of longtask
> reporting in chrome, that would fix a few longtask-related issues, but
> would introduce a new change in behavior: long tasks would only be reported
> for visible windows.
> Bug:
> CL (behind a flag):
> Before moving forward with this, I'd like to surface this to the group and
> see if anyone is relying on longtasks being reported to hidden windows
> (e.g. minimized, background tab).
> Thoughts? Objections? 👍s?

Received on Monday, 1 May 2023 16:26:39 UTC