WebPerfWG call - July 20th @ 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 10pm CET

Hi everyone!

*NOTE: This meeting is much later than the normal time(s) to accommodate 
AU/NZ guests:

  * 6am AEST
  * 8am NZST
  * 1pm PDT
  * 4pm EDT
  * 8pm UTC
  * 10pm CEST

On the agenda 
for our call today (July 20th @ 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 10pm CET) we will discuss:

  * W3C TPAC 2023 Agenda
  * Canva feedback on using WebPerf APIs





*<https://github.com/w3c/resource-timing/issues/304>* If you have 
additional items, please add them to the agenda 

Join us <https://meet.google.com/agz-fbji-spp>!

- Nic https://nicj.net/ @NicJ

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2023 13:30:35 UTC