TPAC 2022 WG meeting summary!

Hey folks!

TPAC was a week full of exciting discussions whether you attended in person
or remotely.
We've now published all the session summaries
including all the presentation recordings, slides and detailed minutes.

I'll copy the summaries here for convenience, and they contain links to
everything else.
Thanks to everyone who attended, contributed and/or summarized!! :)

, minutes


   - Review of 2022 highlights, including processing model changes and
   features added to ResourceTiming, adopting LCP and EventTiming, and moving
   some specs to HTML
   - The Working Group continues to discuss WICG incubations, and some of
   these have been adopted in the past (future session discusses rechartering
   and these incubations more)
   - Review of Code of Conduct, Health rules and Agenda for the week

Prefetch processing model

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, minutes


   - Proposal - `<link rel prefetch>` would be only for same-origin
   document prefetches, and same-partition subresources. We’d remove the “5
   minute rule” and apply regular caching rules. (other than ignoring `Vary:
   Accept` at consumption time.
   - An “idle priority” preload can replace some of the current uses for
   same-document prefetch (even if preload is mandatory, and prefetch is not)
   - Dropping the “5 minute rule” would reduce some current usefulness for
   same-origin navigation prefetches. We should look into the impact, and
   if we go ahead with it, tell developers about it (and have them e.g. use

No-Vary Query

, explainer
, minutes


   - General positive reception.
   - Points raised during discussion:
      - Be sure this gets surfaced to HTTP WG to maximize the likelihood
      this gets used throughout the stack, not just in browsers.
      - Some worry about people losing their ability to cache-bust if they
      accidentally use No-Vary-Query: *. A number of possible mitigations were
      - Unclear how `No-Vary-Query: order` treats differing values, e.g.
      ?a=1&a=2 vs. ?a=2&a=1. The explainer needs to be clear and maybe add
      different variants.

Element Timing and Shadow DOM

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   - Element Timing API is an important step forward for pages to observe
   rendering performance
   - Unfortunately Element Timing does not support Shadow DOM; pages using
   Web Components cannot use this great API
   - Largest Contentful Paint does include Shadow DOM elements in its
   calculations, which is seemingly inconsistent behavior; we should work
   towards ensuring Element Timing can support Shadow DOM
   - Discussion:
      - LCP spec relies on Element Timing, so has a similar issue (even if
      Chromium implementation diverges)
      - We should fix this and there are multiple options to do so
      - Continue discussion in a followup call

Exposing more paint timings

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   - Multiple specs refer to “paint timings”: Paint Timing, Element Timing,
   LCP, Event Timing… summarize the different ways there timings are
   currently specced and how they differ
   - Showcase an example, using FCP and Image decode (sync, async,
   decode()) how there are interop issues across all browser implementations.
   - Propose that there is no single best time point that works for all use
   cases, instead, we should expose multiple time points with unique names (as
   we already do with loadTime + renderTime, and as we already plan to expand
   with firstAnimatedFrameTime etc)
   - Discussion
      - WebKit implementation is being modified and observed differences
      may change
      - Firefox aren’t interested in exposing “commit to GPU” timestamps,
      due to privacy concerns

Super early hints

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   - Proposal to allow early connection hints, perhaps through SVCB DNS
   header, to allow frequently used domains (e.g. asset domains, or image
   CDNs) that are used on most pages, to be initiated at as soon as connection
   is opened, rather than wait for first response to HTML response (either
   through 103 Early Hint preconnects, or within HTML response).
   - Proposal was positively received (Cloudinary expressed interest).
   - *Next steps*: discuss with SVCB spec owners if that is a good place
   for this. Email thread started.

CDNs and resource timing info

, minutes


   - Proposal to add cache and proxy information to resource timing, to
   allow better measurements of CDN (and similar) performance (compared to
   synthetic measures used today). E.g., cache hit latency, miss latency, hit
   ratio. Next step: develop a proto-spec.

Unload beacon

, minutes


   - Proposal to provide a web API that reliably sends queued requests on
   page discard.
   - Clarifying API behaviors: a single PendingBeacon object represents a
   request, backgroundTimeout vs timeout.
   - Discussions around API’s capabilities: e.g., can it be abused, how
   long should a beacon stay alive, etc

Resource timing and iframes

, minutes


   - Presentation on the cross-origin information leaks made possible
   because iframe resources are included in resource timing.
   - Proposals to remove them or reduce the information obtainable through
   that API.
   - Discussion brought strong preference towards “option 3”
      - “Do something different between same-origin/TAO frames (measure
      first navigation and report as completely as it can) and
      cross-origin/no-TAO just gets start and time of the load event”
      - There’s some hesitance RE it throwing the complexity on API
      consumers. Need to better understand that cost
      - Aggregated reporting may save us in the future

APA joint meeting - A11y and the Reporting API



   - The APA would want Reporting API to have reports on automatically
   detected a11y issues, user reported a11y issues, slow loading sites
   - Such reporting would need to take user privacy into account - there’s
   tension between user’s need for accessible/adapted experience and not
   revealing themselves as AT users
   -  There’s potential interest in satisfaction survey reporting

Server Timing and fingerprinting risk



   - Server Timing enables a passive cross-origin resource to communicate
   information to the Window, that can then be read by other cross-origin
   scripts run in the top-level document’s context.
   - Apple wants the UA to be able to not expose the info across sites
   (TLD+1), and potentially across origins.
   - Same question for transferSize, encodedBodySize, etc
   - Agreement from RUM collectors that same-site Server-Timing and sizes
   is better than none.

Aggregated reporting

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   - Proposal - we could safely expose some cross-origin data if we only do
   that in aggregate, by relying on Aggregated Reporting
   - Need to be careful not to expose business data of embedded pages -
   that’s different from current threat models, where we protect user data

Responsiveness at Excel

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   - This talk goes over the journey Microsoft Excel Online went when
   trying to find an effective user facing responsiveness metric.
   - We explain how we measure responsiveness on the client using Event
   Timing API and then the different ways we explored to utilize the
   measurement to define a new responsiveness metric which is effective in
   detecting regression and has high reliability.
   - We show how using the Average Session Responsiveness metric turned out
   to be a very effective path and propose an hypothesis why that is.

Joint meeting with PING

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   - Discussion on the principles around opt-outs for ancillary data, vs.
   ancillary transport mechanisms.
   - Some agreements, e.g. turn off reporting when JS is disabled
   - Some disagreements, e.g. whether we should provide an opt-out for the
   transport mechanisms, that’s equivalent to a “do not monitor me” bit
   - We’ll continue the conversation

Early Hints - lessons learned

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   - Mileage varies wildly - early Hints & Resource Hints still require
   context and developer intention to get it right.
   - Most of the gains Shopify saw were from pre-connect and unblocking the
   tcp+tls bottleneck
   - There are a number of outstanding issues to be resolved: reporting the
   initiator, responseStart definition, and sub-resource early hints


, doc
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   - Need to re-charter for 2023 (2021 charter expires in February 2023)
   - A few specs have been moving out of WebPerfWG and into HTML, this is
   - We've recently brought in EventTiming and LCP
   - Discussed barriers to Layout Instability
   - Considering bring in parts of ElementTiming into LCP and parts into
   - No other incubations being adopted

Sustainability and WebPerf

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   - There’s a bunch of overlap between web performance and sustainability
   - We don’t currently expose information on server-side energy
   consumption, but maybe we should
   - Discussion on how that information can be exposed, what more can we do
   - Might be worthwhile to add to the charter

Forward referenced data URIs

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   - For a certain class of web pages that render dynamic and highly
   variable content (e.g. search engine result pages), embedding images using
   Data URIs is the most efficient way to deliver those images over the
   network because the benefits of browser caching are minimal
   - Data URI payloads need to be declared where they are used
   - Dynamically generating base64 encodings for these images on-the-fly is
   expensive and causes a server-side bottleneck if done serially. Instead a
   common approach is to append these to the end of HTML sections and hoist
   them into the appropriate img tags using JS. This JS should also be inline
   since it needs to run quickly.
   - What if there was a way to provide a forward pointer to a Data URI
   payload that appears later in the page? That would enable generating them
   in a non-blocking fashion on the server and eliminate the need for inline
   JS to implement this. Also it would cut down on redundant Data URI payloads
   such as 1x1 placeholders which currently need to be declared repetitively.
   - SVG does potentially support this already so a solution may be to wrap
   the embedded images inside an SVG

Performance Beyond the Browser



   - Web Performance WG work might be applicable to a slightly more broad
   set of environments than just the browser such as edge compute (think
   node.js, deno, Cloudflare workers etc).
   - Spec tweaks, possibly motivated by new requirements or other
   constraints, might help adopt existing designs to the environs where they
   find perf measurement valuable.
   - The WinterCG, is helping codify the considerations in W3C, so we cross
   pollinated in the session.
   - The session was closed with brief discussion on a variety of analysis
   concerns sitting just outside the envelope of browser perf monitoring -
   hars, netlogs, NEL.

Task Attribution

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   - TaskAttribution has a bunch of potential use cases - SPA heuristics,
   LT attribution, privacy protections
   - For privacy protections, we’d need to think defensively, and protect
   against code polluters
   - Discussion around traces and if the WG should also cover
   cross-implementation lab tooling related efforts

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2022 07:28:30 UTC