followup questions to the scroll presentation

Thanks for the presentation today Nicolás/Hongbo. Very interesting.

I have some follow-up questions for Noam: does Microsoft implement their
own event id for their use of perf event timing, or how are they working
around the existing limitations right now? More detail on how/what they are
doing this now would be appreciated. It was a bit unclear yet tantalizing
what is being attempted here...

Sean and I spent some time after the meeting going over cases for event id
and grouping. First, would the event id be the same as the interaction id?

For disambiguating scroll events, here are some possible scenarios we want
clarified, would these be grouped with an event id?

1. scroll plus alt keys, shift keys (keydown)
2. scroll plus scroll wheel press as mouse down event
3. dragstart above the fold, move below the fold (is this a scroll or nav
event?), release dragend


Received on Thursday, 27 May 2021 19:19:05 UTC