WebPerfWG call - Thursday June 24th @ 10am PST

Hey folks,

Let's meet up <https://meet.google.com/agz-fbji-spp> to talk webperf! The
for tomorrow is somewhat light.
We have a few administrative things to discuss: virtual TPAC (again),
whether or not we want to transition Preload and Resource Hints to CR
before moving their processing models to the WHATWG, as well as a potential
renaming <https://github.com/w3c/requestidlecallback/pull/92> of the
"Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks" spec to requestIdleCallback,
as everyone already call it.
Otherwise, we have a few issues to triage, but if you have any agenda items
you wanted to discuss and were too shy to ask, now's the time! :)

Unless there are objections, the call will be recorded and posted online.

See y'all tomorrow! :)

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 20:19:55 UTC