WebPerfWG open meeting - A/B testing

Hey folks,

The Web Performance WG invites the broader web performance community to
discuss A/B testing and ways we can collectively work to make it faster!
To that purpose, we'll be running *a WG open meeting on February 4th
12pm*, in-lieu
of our regular call.
The goal of the meeting is to explore the A/B testing problem space, try to
reach common understandings on the benefits and shortcomings of the current
approaches, and brainstorm a brighter future and how we can get there.

I've put together a rough agenda
If you're interested, please add yourself to the attendees

As always, the meeting will be recorded and recordings and minutes will be
posted online.

Hope to see y'all there!

Cheers :)

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 21:36:10 UTC