WebPerfWG call - April 1st 2021 @ 10am PT

Hi everyone!

On the agenda 
for our next call (Thursday April 14st @ 10am PT / 1pm ET) we will discuss:

  * Discussion of the Meeting Recording Survey results (this portion
    will not be recorded)
  * Fetch and HTML integration of RT/NT
  * Issue triage for ResourceTimeline, PerformanceTimeline, Preload

Plus any other issues you want to talk about. If you additional items, 
please add to the agenda 

Join us <https://meet.google.com/agz-fbji-spp>!

The meeting will be recorded (after the first discussion) and published 
online afterwards.

See you soon!

- Nic

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2021 17:26:45 UTC