Re: Preloading using JS instead of a tag

> > In, Krzysztof worries that adding any new way for a <link> tag to affect script loading is a security risk, because pages may not be as careful about preventing users from injecting <link> tags as they are about <script> tags. Instead, he suggests using a Javascript API to tell the browser to preload subresources using a bundle.
> That would be a pretty serious security risk. Putting all other objections against web packaging / web bundles aside, this will be a pretty big show stopper.

Ryosuke, just to be clear, what does your “that” refer to—using
scripts with <link> elements this way, or preloading resources in a

—If I get Krzysztof right I would share the concerns around
repurposing the <link> element. There seem to be enough problems
around even raising awareness for the security implications of
<script> elements.

Jens Oliver Meiert

Received on Friday, 28 August 2020 06:59:32 UTC