Re: WebPerfWG call - July 30th 2020 @ 10am PST

Actual links to minutes
and video <>...

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 1:03 PM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:

> The minutes and video from last week's call are now available. Copying the
> minutes here for safe keeping:
> WebPerfWG call - July 30th 2020
> Participants
> Yoav Weiss, Nic Jansma, Sean Feng, Andrew Galloni, Noam Helfman, Philippe
> Le Hegaret, Subrata Ashe, Michal Mocny, Benjamin De Kosnik, Annie Sullivan,
> Steven Bougon, Nicolás Peña, Peter Perlepes,
> Next Meeting
> August 13 at 10am PST / 1pm EST
> MinutesTPAC Meetings
>    - Yoav: Week of October 19th got the most votes for everyone to be
>    able to join
>    - ... Also discussed having a couple half-day hack-a-thons,
>    tentatively scheduled in September
>    - ... Will send out some proposals to the mailing list for those dates
>    - Nicolás: What would be the timing for TPAC hours?
>    - Yoav: We were thinking 4 days worth of 3-hour slots
>    - ... This time of day (10am PST / 1pm EST) would be most compatible
>    for people
>    - ... We're thinking an hour before and an hour after this slot (9am
>    PST - 12pm PST)
>    - ... 3-hour slots with a break in the middle of each
>    - Philippe: Are you thinking Mon-Thurs or Tues-Fri?
>    - Yoav: Let's aim for Mon-Thurs so we're not keeping people late on
>    Friday
>    - Nic: Can we send out some calendar invites to lock down those times
>    for people?
>    - Yoav: Yes, I can take an action item for that
> IssuesPerformance Timeline
>    - performance-timeline #168 - Reset the observers
>    <>
>    - Michal: Feature request for resetting metrics during SPAs / etc
>    - ... Part of larger SPA story around having "Next" LCP and such
>    - ... Will try to find the best "umbrella" bug and assign this as a
>    dupe
>    - performance-timeline #169 - Determining if the buffer was full when
>    using the buffered flag
>    <>
>    - Nic: This came from a discussion last month around determining if a
>    buffer was full
>    - ... This is something we've seen in the wild in the past with
>    ResourceTiming, especially when the buffer was smaller at 150 entries per
>    frame.
>    - ... No strong opinion on how this is exposed (3 options were
>    presented via Nicolás)
>    - Nicolás: Any other concerns with exposing this? We’re trying to find
>    the right shape to expose it.
>    - Nic: We also have some "prior art" here with the ResourceTiming
>    onResourceTimingBufferFull event
>    - Yoav: Though that isn't as useful, as you'd need to have JS running
>    on the page prior to the event in order to consume it.
>    - ... Having a third parameter to the Observer callback seems like a
>    good backwards-compat way to expose it
>    - Nicolás: The list could contain multiple entry types, so we'd also
>    need to provide a list of buffers that were full. Won’t be as nice.
>    Maybe having that complex object be part of the list interface would be
>    better than a complex callback parameter
>    - Yoav: Or we could compress it to a single "one of these buffers was
>    full" flag
>    - Nic: In our consumption, we generally observe one type of buffer at
>    a time (e.g. only RT).  One edge case would be for Paint Timing and LCP.
>    - Nicolás: For paint timing, the buffer would always be full, as it’s
>    the size of 1.
>    - Noam: Could we offer an API that provides the buffer sizes by type?
>    - Yoav: Maybe a separate API that gives you the static buffer sizes...
>    - ... Actually, what you care about isn't what the buffer size is, but
>    whether entries were dropped at all, right?
>    - Nic: Correct
>    - Yoav: So we could provide a signal for any dropped entry. And that
>    would also work for the PaintTiming case using a single boolean.
>    - … That signal can then help you know you need to register your
>    observers earlier, complain to browsers to increase buffer sizes or both.
>    - Nicolás: I can submit a PR with the proposed change and tag folks.
> Resource Timing
>    - resource-timing #228 - Timing-Allow-Origin may expose allowed URLs
>    <>
>    - Yoav: TAO allows either a wildcard or list of URLs, but doesn't
>    require CORS, along with Origin header.  As a result, without Origin
>    header, you may want to send TAO but don't know which host to send it for
>    - ... This scenario could result in a resource owner writing a list of
>    all possible embedders, which could expose those (not in a web context, but
>    to e.g. crawlers)
>    - ... This isn't something I've personally seen in the wild
>    - ... Noam then argues that we should move TAO to a model closer to
>    CORP, rather than CORS. It’s a complex question that would require some
>    cross-WG thinking with WebAppSec folks
>    - Nicolás: We could add a non-normative note in the spec saying that
>    the TAO header could expose this information
>    - Yoav: Not a ton of people are using Referrer Policy to omit referrer
>    altogether, so dunno how of an issue that would be to real deployments. We
>    can add a note saying “If you don't have an Origin nor Referrer, then don't
>    send TAO unless it's `*`”.
>    - Nicolás: Otherwise we need other security people to weigh in on this
>    - Yoav: Broader issue if we want to align closer with CORP or CORS is
>    being discussed.  We need to figure out a way all of these opt-ins work
>    together and play nicely together.
>    - ... Good topic for focused TPAC discussion
>    - ... Adding a note makes sense to me
> Page Visibility
>    - page-visibility #59 - The spec's definition of hidden is unclear and
>    should be updated to better account for mobile use cases
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Previously discussed, but there are some open questions here
>    - Nicolás: May be hard to WPT test this, but we should agree on the
>    design first
>    - Benjamin: At this point I'm not sure tab switchers have a top-level
>    browsing context
>    - Yoav: I'm not 100% sure they're implemented that way
>    - Benjamin: One of the questions in this issue is if we have a page
>    visible and we take a snapshot of it and we put it on one of these tab
>    trays, is it "visible"?
>    - Nicolás: I would say it's not visible, since the snapshot was taken
>    when it was last visible
>    - Yoav: Agree that a snapshot is not "active", and that's what Philip
>    is suggesting here
>    - ... While they are theoretically visible since they are snapshots
>    the user may see, they are not active or interactive unless the user moves
>    them to the foreground
>    - ... I don't think they should be different than backgrounded tabs,
>    backgrounded and hidden
>    - Nicolás: Firefox’ behavior seems like the right one. We should file
>    bugs against UAs that aren't doing the correct behavior.
>    - Benjamin: *asks for clarifications regarding the top-level browsing
>    context*
>    - Nicolás: When the browser moved to the tab switcher, you haven’t
>    closed the actual tabs, they are just backgrounded. The tab switcher is not
>    a web page.
>    - Yoav: This issue is about adding a language that defines these
>    browsing contexts and their state.
>    - Benjamin to review the issue and comment on the bug
>    - page-visibility #63 - Treating .hidden as "historical" seems
>    unhelpful
>    <>
>    - Yoav: There is no reasonable path for us to deprecate and remove the
>    ".hidden" attribute
>    - ... I don't have context on when this "historical" flag was added.
>    Not sure what our policy is for when we can mark interfaces as such.
>    - Philippe: We have a historical section in the NavigationTiming
>    section. Moved to the appendix and pretend they don't exist anymore.
>    - Nicolás: Past performance people wanted to deprecate "hidden" since
>    there were 3 visibility states (visible, hidden, prerender), but now there
>    are only two again (visible, hidden). So no clear what’s the benefit of
>    deprecating
>    - Yoav: Would be good to have only one way to query that data. But
>    also, unclear we can actually deprecate. Not sure if we have use-counters
>    for ".hidden", but I assume they would be high.
>    - ... Do we have a general W3C policy on when to mark things historical
>    - Philippe: Nothing I know of
>    - Yoav: To review
>    - page-visibility #65 - Republish spec
>    <>
>    - Nicolás: There are open issues that may be blocking
>    - Yoav: My understanding is that they are not blocking publishing
>    - Philippe: We need to go back to CR and solve the issues in parallel
>    - Nicolás: I would like to add new visibility state
>    - Yoav: Test-wise, this is good to go to REC.  If we were to add new
>    features right now, that might delay moving forward.
>    - ... Ideally, I’d love to publish L2 as a REC and move L3 to a Living
>    Standard
>    - Philippe: I could re-publish what we have right now, where we have a
>    L2 branch.  Main branch moves to L3.
>    - Nicolás: Seems reasonable as long as the extra L2 changes we want
>    won't be too big
>    - Michal: One if these is trivial. #51
>    <> is
>    more substantial, but the issue is present in L1 already.
>    - Yoav: It’s a spec health issue. We can put this work in main (L3)
>    branch and can decide if we want to backport to L2
>    - Philippe: To publish
> Preload
>    - preload #144 - Request for dynamic preload like font url in CSS
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Asking for a group of preloaded resources so they can define
>    multiple ones for fonts. e.g. if you support WOFF2 then preload one
>    resource otherwise preload another.  Similar to <picture> element.
>    - ... We've talked about this in the past as a way to preload
>    responsive images.  We concluded it won't work as we can't add new elements
>    to the head.
>    - ... Suggestion here is to re-use the <link> element, but the issue
>    is that the <link> element is self-closing.  Would require a complex change
>    to HTML spec.
>    - Philippe: Wouldn't this affect font-matching algorithms?
>    - Yoav: Assumption here is the developer knows the font will be used,
>    and enable the browser to discover them ASAP
>    - Nicolás: Is the concern in this scenario all 3 fonts would be loaded?
>    - Yoav: Yeah.
>    - Philippe: I would suggest we work with the CSS working group on this
>    - Noam: This proposal could also be used for audio, video, fonts
>    - Yoav: Basically this is a multiple-choice option for Preload
>    - ... We talked about this problem in the past and concluded it
>    doesn't have a strong enough use-case to justify the complexity (that was
>    the conclusion for <picture>).
>    - ... There are no modern browsers today that support Preload and
>    don't support WOFF2.
>    - ... An interesting angle to solve this problem but not feasible due
>    to <link> elements being self-closing
>    - Nicolás: To clarify, is this already solved for images?
>    - Yoav: For images this is partially solved for srcset with the
>    `imageset` and `imagesizes` attributes for preload that enable you to
>    specify multiple resources and browser picks them in similar way for srcset.
>    - ... Doesn't work for a <picture> element that has different art
>    direction & crops for different viewports -- this isn't something you can
>    preload today.
>    - ... I don't think we can re-use that solution for this
>    - ... I'll respond to that issue
>    - preload #148 - Link header processing
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Processing for <link> headers isn't really defined anywhere
>    other than vaguely in HTML.
>    - ... Should <link> header processing for preload be defined in
>    Preload spec or somewhere else?
>    - ... From my perspective this feels more like something that should
>    belong in HTML.
>    - ... Does that make sense this should belong in HTML and not Preload
>    spec specific?
>    - Nicolás: Yes, makes sense
> Action Items
>    - Yoav: Send out calendar invites for TPAC meetings
>    - Nicolás: Submit a PR for performance-timeline to add a "was an entry
>    dropped from this buffer"
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Add a non-normative note to Resource Timing around TAO
>    exposing URLs
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Respond to
>    <>
>    - Philippe: Review
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Respond to
>    <>
>    - Yoav: Respond to
>    <>
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 9:37 AM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> After a short hiatus, we're back to talking web performance!
>> The plan
>> <>
>> for this week's call is to triage and discuss recently opened issues, as
>> well as talk about TPAC logistics for the upcoming virtual meetings.
>> As always, the call will be recorded and posted online.
>> Cheers :)
>> Yoav

Received on Monday, 3 August 2020 11:18:41 UTC