WebPerfWG call - April 9th 10am PT / 1pm ET

Hi everyone!

Join us <https://meet.google.com/agz-fbji-spp> this week to talk about 
Long Tasks and requestIdleCallback.

On the agenda 
we have:


    Long Tasks

      o Top-level browsing context scoping
      o Event loop timing reporting seems to ignore reentrancy
      o Combination of paint timing and long tasks can expose precise
        paint timing <https://github.com/w3c/longtasks/issues/80>
  * requestIdleCallback
      o timeRemaining() step 4 should define what it means to have a
        "time-critical task pending
      o 6.2. invoke idle callbacks algorithm step 1 should be defined in
        terms of task sources having tasks enqueued
      o The order of idle callbacks across windows is inconsistent
        between spec & UAs

If you have any additional items you'd like to discuss, please add to 
the agenda 

If we get though those, we may venture into ServerTiming issues.

The meeting will be recorded and published online afterwards.

See you soon!

- Nic Jansma

Received on Monday, 6 April 2020 12:39:54 UTC