Re: WebPerfWG call - Wednesday May 29th 1PM PST

Hey all,

and video <> of the call are now available.
Copying the minutes here for safe keeping:

WebPerfWG design call minutes - May 29th 2019


Phillipe Le Hegaret, Steven Bougon, Ben De Kosnik, Todd Reifsteck, Gilles
Dubuc, Nic Jansma, Will Hawkins, Beng Eu, Alex Christiansen, Ryosuke Niwa,
Ilya Grigorik


[yoav] Next call: we’ll determine at F2F

[yoav] Please sign up

… note that we have two different forms, you need to sign up on both

… first day will be split into two parts

….. first half of the day we have external participants sharing use cases,
gaps and needs

….. second half focused on new platform features and areas we need to focus

… anything missing on the agenda

[ryosuke] for the use cases, what worked well for the web components f2f is
presenting both how current APIs are being used (what works), not just
wishlist of things to add

[todd] the goal is to get people to present how they’re using, plus where
they had friction

[ryosuke] lgtm

[ryosuke] do we want to talk about how to (re)structure our spec work?

[yoav] we can recap our state at the end of the day

… CDN representation: we have Nic, but we’ll see if we can find others

… for the second day, we have ~8 people registered so far for issue

… if you can or willing to join, please subscribe on the form

[plh] I’ll be there

[ryosuke] I’m TBD for second day, will be there on first day

… btw, TPAC schedule is out, we should planning the agenda

… we’re meeting Monday and Tuesday

[yoav] yep, we can kick that off after f2f
Element Timing & Shadow DOM

[npm] element interaction with shadow DOM: issue

… the issue is that some components may be very large, which hide a lot of

… on the other hand, there is encapsulation

… one proposal is to have the PO be scoped to shadow root instead of window

… this way the web component author can scope and then expose up to the

… another approach is to treat elements with open shadow as something we
can report

[yoav] is the problem clear?

… for RT, we expose fetches made by encapsulated logic

[alex] it would be useful to know where one would want to hide this


[todd] would it make sense to ask a couple of big folks using this?

… alternative, we can start by not exposing

[npm] agree, good idea to ask major users

… but they may have different opinions from those who distribute components

[steven] I can check with our team (SalesForce) to get their feedback

[ryosuke] getComposedRange approach might be a route to investigation

… maybe there is a way to add getEntries / PO could take a list of shadow
roots that developer has access to

Registry vs registration model

[yoav] discussed on the last call, Philippe created a note to create the

… Ryosuke chimed in favor of registration model?

[ryosuke] registration model could work, I was echoing Boris’s concern that
if we just have one list that advertises that features that may not be

… but if we have tests in each specification

[plh] we could add false positive test on the registry spec itself

… I will add a test and move forward on publishing the registry

[yoav] we also talked about other parameters, but we could add those later

… e.g. buffered flag and number of entries

… but that is non-blocking

[plh] can you please file an issue to track the above?

… I will setup auto publishing

… any objections?

+1’s from the group — onwards!

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 11:46 AM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> Let's gather up next Wednesday for one last design call before the F2F
> meeting!
> On the agenda
> <>
> right now is mostly F2F related discussions, so if you have designs or
> proposals that you want to discuss, please feel free to add them there.
> The meeting's hangout link is the usual one
> <>. As a reminder, the meeting
> will be recorded and posted online
> <>
> .
> Cheers :)
> Yoav

Received on Monday, 3 June 2019 11:56:36 UTC