Re: More on workerStart

On 6/3/15 6:31 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
> Current definition links "start of navigation" to:
> - I think that ought
> to cover all the cases, no?

No.  Some windows are created without that algorithm actually happening.

> It's not clear to me how/who would use this API outside of those cases.

Script running in an initial about:blank iframe, since that never 
involves navigation.

Seriously, you just want to use the definition at 
since we've been through all this pain before. ;)

>         settings object is a WorkerGlobalScope object (dedicated worker), or
>         a SharedWorkerGlobalScope object (shared worker)
> Hmm, ServiceWorkerGlobalScope inherits from WorkerGlobalScope.

So does SharedWorkerGlobalScope, no?  So why do you need a 
SharedWorkerGlobalScope case here at all?  That was the part that 
confused me.

> I'll admit to having very limited knowledge of Realms.. and it sounds
> like it's still a WIP. I'd suggest we defer this one for now?

Well, you need to define the behavior.  One option is to simply say that 
when the incumbent settings global has no timebase (as in, doesn't fall 
into one of the cases that define a timebase for a global) then 
workerStart returns 0 or throws or something.


Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 01:21:13 UTC