Re: More on workerStart

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 5:40 AM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> I assume it means "the WorkerGlobalScope of the AbstractWorker the getter
> is invoked on", right?

Yep, thanks.

> But I'm not at all sure what "current document" is supposed to mean here.
> That part is clearly wrong when getting the .workerStart of a worker
> started from another worker (so the code that gets .workerStart is running
> in a worker), but even when a worker was started from a window it's
> ambiguous: is the "current document" the document that started the worker
> or the document the script doing the get is running in or something else?

Right, good catch. How about...

The workerStart attribute MUST return a DOMHighResTimeStamp
representing the difference between the time origin of WorkerGlobalScope
of the AbstractWorker the getter is invoked on, and the [time origin of the
context][1] that started it.

Closer? :)



Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2015 17:29:50 UTC