Re: detecting connection speed

On Monday, December 9, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Puneet Mohan Sangal wrote:

> These are good use cases.


> How do you suggest we collaborate, with DAP's Network Information API?

Right now, we are just interested in finding (web or native) applications that make use of network information explicitly - specially on the Web, if people are somehow hacking around it. We are not really at the stage to formulate any API related suggestions - though proposing some self-evident requirements doesn’t hurt - specially when they can be clearly seen from one or more of the documented examples.  

We just need to document a large enough corpus of applications that can serve as the use cases from which to make informed decisions (i.e., so we are not speculating and not doing “it would be cool if  the API allowed developers X” without actually showing that people really are trying to do "X").   

> Can we start documenting our use cases in a shared doc?

Yes! absolutely. Right now we are using this document, which you can even edit online (requires a GH account):

Of course, pull requests are best - though filling bugs on Github also works fine (and we can refine the text). But we will take just about anything: if you know an application on a native platform, I’d be happy to download it, try it out, take the screen shots, etc. For paid apps, screenshots and a description are very helpful (saves me a few bucks on things I would otherwise not use :)).  

Kind regards,

Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 05:44:46 UTC