Re: [ScriptYielding] setImmediate clamping returns.

>> The current debate is: is `function f(){ setImmediate(f); }` really something that would *inequitably* discriminate against one browser and thus force that browser to clamp, and then topple all the dominoes of the other browsers.
> Yes, this is *exactly* what happened with Firefox. Bug 123273 is very instructive on that point. They were inequitably discriminated against other browsers and were forced to move.

I've read that thread (or parts of it) before.

You still haven't answered why you think setImmediate() has to, unequivocally and inevitably, harm a specific browser inequitably?

And you haven't answered my deeper question -- if there's a tight loop going on, isn't it much more likely that it's other the stuff in the loop that's to blame for inequitable behavior?

> People will make the exact same mistake with setImmediate. This is the web. Lots of non-techy people write code. This mistake will be made again.

Sure they will. But that doesn't mean that for sure we're in an apples-to-apples situation here. That doesn't mean the way the browsers solved such issues in the past HAS to be how they solve it in the future.

Especially if the spec says "DO NOT CLAMP", I would expect browsers to figure out other ways to fix whatever perceived injustices they are facing in some other way.

> Browsers will be in a prisonner's dilemma

I don't concede that we're doomed to repeat everything from the past. Otherwise, what's the point of trying to push any standards forward? We might as well declare the web finished.


Received on Monday, 12 August 2013 23:43:23 UTC