Re: [Resource Timing] Definition of "network layer cache"

I've updated the spec to remove references to "networking layer cache" and
specify the behavior listed by James.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Jatinder Mann <> wrote:

>  Seeing that the “fetch” concept is well defined, I rather we not try to
> define the various internal browser caches in an attempt to define the
> “networking layer”. I like the idea of updating the processing model to our
> expected behavior. I’ll update the spec.****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Jatinder****
> ** **
> *From:* Nic Jansma []
> *Sent:* Friday, April 12, 2013 6:41 PM
> *To:* James Simonsen
> *Cc:* public-web-perf
> *Subject:* Re: [Resource Timing] Definition of "network layer cache"****
> ** **
> Awesome, that's a great simplification -- it describes what we were
> originally intending.  i.e. what one would see in Firebug/F12/DevTools.
> ****
> - Nic****
> @NicJ****
> On 4/12/2013 8:20 PM, James Simonsen wrote:****
>  I agree that seems like the desired behavior and that we need to say
> that more clearly. ****
> ** **
> Should we totally change the processing model? For instance:****
> ** **
> 1. If the resource is fetched from the network, log it.****
> ** **
> 2. If it's fetched from a local cache, and the resource hasn't been seen
> before, log it and record it in a "set of seen resources."****
> ** **
> 3. If it's fetched from a local cache, and the resource is already in the
> "set of seen resources," abort these steps.****
> ** **
> Obviously, I wouldn't expect anyone to actually implement that set, but it
> at least makes the processing model convey what we want.****
> ** **
> James****
> ** **
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Nic Jansma <> wrote:****
>  I seem to remember "networking layer cache" being somewhat intentionally
> left vague, as we figured different UAs would have various caches and we
> didn't want to pigeon hole what it meant.
> Outside of what the phrase "networking layer cache" means, the intent was
> to include all resources included in the page, regardless of whether a
> request went out over the network to get them.  In this case, site.js is
> included statically in's HTML:
> <script type="text/javascript" src="
> I would expect/hope site.js would be included as a PerformanceEntry in the
> PerformanceTimeline, even if it was "cached" from the previous page load.
> It's load time would be near 0, since it was loaded from whatever caches
> the UA has.
> The wording around "networking layer cache" could certainly be better
> explained, but I'm not sure how...
> ****
> - Nic****
> @NicJ****
>  On 4/12/2013 6:54 PM, William Chan (陈智昌) wrote:****
>  I think "network layer cache" should be redefined in such a way to make
> Blink's behavior incompliant. The Blink memory cache is just another cache
> in the cache hierarchy.****
> ** **
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 3:40 PM, James Simonsen <>
> wrote:****
>  The Resource Timing spec says: ****
> ** **
> "Resources that are retrieved from the user agent's networking layer cache
> must be included as PerformanceResourceTiming objects in the Performance
> Timeline."****
> ** **
> What exactly constitutes a "networking layer cache?" Blink's memory cache
> seems to behave differently than IE10's. When navigating pages on the same
> site, Blink uses the "in-memory cache" and reuses subresources without
> fetching. That means we don't report Resource Timing for these resources.
> IE10 seems to always report resources in the same circumstances.****
> ** **
> To try it out, visit Note the "site.js loaded in x
> milliseconds" at the bottom of the page. Browse to the "About" page on
> That message disappears on Chrome, it shows a new value
> on IE10.****
> ** **
> Are we both compliant in our own ways? Or do we need to better define
> "network layer cache?"****
> ** **
> James****
>  ** **
> ** **
>  ** **
> ** **

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 19:02:02 UTC