[minutes] Web Performance WG Teleconference #90 2012-11-28

Meeting Summary:

1.       Charter Text

Charter Text for Resource Priorities, Beacon, Diagnostics and Display Performance has been suggested by the editors. Text updates from editors will be forthcoming for Pre-render. Editors will also follow up with whether they want to continue bringing Async scroll and HAR into the charter, and if so, will suggest text. The working group will review the charter text in next week's conference call. The current draft is on the wiki: http://www.w3.org/wiki/Web_Performance/Charter.

2.       Recommendation State

Philippe will be submitting documentation to bring High Resolution Time and Navigation Timing to Recommendation state this week.

3.       Test Suite

Jatinder will be submitting proposed test cases for Resource and User Timing this week.

W3C Web Performance WG Teleconference #90 2012-11-28

IRC log: http://www.w3.org/2012/11/28-webperf-irc

Meeting Minutes: http://www.w3.org/2012/11/28-webperf-minutes.html


Jatinder Mann, Philippe Le Hegaret, James Simonsen, Arvind Jain, Alois Reitbauer


Jatinder Mann


1.       Discuss Charter Text

2.       Review Action Items




Jatinder: Resource Priorities: An interoperable means for site developers to give the user agent hints on the download priority of resources.

Beacon: An interoperable means for site developers to asynchronously transfer data from the user agent to a web server, with a guarantee from the user agent that the data will be eventually sent.

Jatinder: Diagnostics (Leaks, Errors): An interoperable means for site developers to get web browser diagnostics information on their web applications, like error logging and memory leaks type information.
... Display Performance: An interoperable means for site developers to get frame rate and throughput of the display type of information.
... We will make sure to review the charter text next week.

plh: I have submitted moving HRT to Recommendation already. I will submit the documents for moving Navigation Timing to Recommendation soon.

Jatinder: I will submit test cases for Resource and User Timing this week. Please make sure to review them.

Arvind: I was asked a question, when making a HTTPS connection through a proxy, where is the time spent making the connection recorded? In the TCP or the secureConnectionStart attribute?

James: I'm unsure. I can follow up.

Jatinder: So will I.

Arvind: There was a question from Boris on changing the DOMString to enum in Page Visibility. Thoughts on that?

Jatinder: Considering visibilitystate is a readonly, I'm not sure what the added benefit of doing so will be. But I don't think it will impact implementations, as enums are represented as strings. Will making this change impact the spec status?

Plh: No, this is the kind of feedback that is fine in CR state.

Jatinder: I'll follow up.

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 20:45:30 UTC