RE: Resource Timing "startTime"


Thanks for the feedback. The startTime is defined as the time immediately before the user agent starts to queue the resource for fetching and the fetchStart is defined as the time immediately before the user agent starts to fetch the resource. So in your example, startTime is the point at which user agent queues the resource.

The editors will update the spec diagram to make the expected startTime behavior more clear.


From: [] On Behalf Of Patrick Meenan
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 6:50 AM
To: public-web-perf
Subject: Resource Timing "startTime"

"The startTime attribute must return the time immediately before the user agent starts to queue the resource for fetching"

I think it would help clarify the spec if the queue was defined a little clearer.  In the case where there is a long queue of resources to be fetched from a given fqdn (say, 100 images and 6 parallel connections per fqdn), is this the point at which it enters the backlog queue or is this the point at which it exits the backlog and gets scheduled on an actual socket?

If it is the point at which it enters the backlog queue can we add a block at the front of the diagram that includes the "blocked" time?  If it is the time when it gets scheduled on a connection can we indicate that it will always equal either the redirectStart or fetchStart time?



Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2012 19:31:14 UTC