[ResourceTiming] Some clarifications

While looking at some other specs, I had a few questions about Resource Timing.

Section 4.5 Cross-origin Resources of the spec [1] defines the "Timing-Allow-Origin" HTTP response header and the expected behavior when it is present. However, the rules for performing checks with respect to the header are not defined. As this portion of the spec was inspired by the CORS design [2], should we also include the rules for performance checks algorithm as well [3]? I recall when we last discussed this, there was hesitation to take a dependency on a spec like CORS and to rather define this behavior directly in Resource Timing.

Web Workers
A few questions arise when thinking of Resource Timing from a Web Workers perspective [4]. The Performance interface currently doesn't implement WorkersUtil, meaning this interface isn't available to web workers. If a web worker initiates a download, that data currently will not be reported anywhere. Do we want to bring this in scope or out of scope of Resource Timing?

If we do bring it in, we need clarification on a few things. If a web worker initiates a download of a resource, in which document's timeline view should that resource be present? I would suggest that the browsing context that created the worker owns the worker and hence the resource should show up in that timeline. E.g., Parent A has iframe B and iframe B creates a web worker that Parent A also uses. Any resources downloaded by the worker will show up in iframe B's timeline. Thoughts?

I think things get a bit more complicated when we talk about shared workers that can be shared across top level browsing contexts [5]. If a shared worker initiates a download, under which timeline is that download shown? I believe a shared worker is its own browsing context. I'm not sure what how we would represent that data from a resource timing point of view.


[1] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/ResourceTiming/Overview.html#cross-origin-resources
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/#resource-sharing-check-0
[4] http://www.w3.org/TR/workers/
[5] http://www.w3.org/TR/workers/#shared-workers-introduction

Received on Saturday, 2 June 2012 17:58:06 UTC