On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Jatinder Mann <jmann@microsoft.com> wrote:
> James, Cameron,****
> ** **
> Do you feel that the requestAnimationFrame spec is ready to move to Last
> Call? In today’s working group conf call, we were discussing the status of
> all specifications and noticed that there are no remaining open issues on
> this particular spec. ****
> ** **
> The IE Test Center has a few requestAnimationFrame tests from a few months
> ago -
> http://samples.msdn.microsoft.com/ietestcenter/#perfPaintNotification. I
> am looking to update the tests to match the current spec status and submit
> them for the requestAnimationFrame test suite in the near future.
I've resolved the remaining open issues and think going to Last Call is a
great idea. I'm also excited about having a test suite.
http://samples.msdn.microsoft.com/ietestcenter/#perfPaintNotification looks
like a good start, but it seems a bit out of date (for example it tests for
a animationStartTime property that has never existed in a W3C spec).
- James
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Jatinder****