Re: TPAC 2011 Web Performance WG 2011-11-01

On 4/19/12 1:44 PM, Sreeram Ramachandran wrote:
>> Well, one benefit is that UAs won't claim navigated-away-from documents as
>> "visible", no?  From a developer point of view, that's just weird.
> Is it actually possible to observe, interact or in any way script a
> document that has been navigated-away-from?

It's possible to observe it from script and to script it, yes.  Script 
can interact with it, too.

> If so, could you show an example of how to do it?

Sure.  Here you are:

<!doctype html>
   var doc;
   window.onload = function() {
     var frame = document.querySelector("#f");
     doc = frame.contentWindow.document;
     doc.documentElement.textContent = "First"
     frame.onload = doIt;
     frame.src = 'data:text/html,Next';
   function doIt() {
<iframe id="f" src="about:blank"></iframe>

Replace about:blank with a same-origin URI of your choice (can't use 
data: there in WEbKit, of course).  But in any case, both WebKit and 
Gecko alert "about:blank" for the URI and "First" for the textContent. 
Opera is doing something weird with reusing the document here that I 
hope they don't do when about:blank and data are not involved.

> When I tried, I found that the document and
> window references I had in hand live-updated to the current document,

Well the window just shows whatever is currently loaded in the window. 
The document reference should not "live-update".


Received on Thursday, 19 April 2012 23:34:24 UTC