Re: [ResourceTiming] Clarifying a few things...

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Andy Davies <> wrote:

> 1. Resource Timing doesn't mention the timings for the root HTML
> document so I'm assuming they're not included and are just available
> via Navigation Timing.


> 2. Should secureConnectionStart be included the list of attributes
> (Section 4.5) that are set to zero when the Timing-Allow-Origin
> response header isn't present?

Yeah, sounds like we should update the spec.

> 3. clearResourceTimings discards the buffer entries up to the current
> buffersize, and the buffer is re-populated starting with the resource
> that's at buffersize +1 (if there are that many on the page)?

No, if the buffer is full when a resource loads, it's forgotten. You need
to empty the buffer when the full event fires or you'll lose data.

4. setResourceTimingBufferSize - trying get a clear understanding of
> this sentence:
> "If this method is not called, the default maximum number of
> PerformanceResourceTiming resources stored must be 150, unless
> otherwise specified by the user agent."
> Is this saying "the buffer must be a minimum of 150, but a UA can
> specify it to be larger", or does it leave open the possibility that a
> UA can specify it to be smaller than 150?

The intent was that 150 is a minimum. We figured something like 90+% of
pages would be fine with 150.

We should probably clarify that.


Received on Friday, 13 April 2012 21:11:06 UTC