Re: [PerformanceTimeline] Returning Navigation Timing attributes in High Resolution Time

On 11 April 2012 19:24, Jatinder Mann <> wrote:
> You can still compare Navigation Timing and Resource Timing attributes. E.g., if you want the difference between the connectStart of the document and the first resource, you can do the following:
> var resourceList = window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource");
> var delta = resourceList[0].connectStart - (window.performance.timing.connectStart - window.performance.timing.navigationStart);

Don't know whether I'm missing something here but is resourceList[0]
actually the HTML page (I couldn't work out from the spec whether it's
included in the resource list or not)?



Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 20:06:57 UTC