[ResourceTiming] initiator types

The current draft lists the following initiator types. Most of them
have obvious mappings, which are indicated here.
OTHER    -    ?
LINK    -    <link href>
CSS    -    ?
SCRIPT    -    <script src>
IMAGE    -    <img src>
OBJECT    -    <object data>
FRAME    -    <frame src>
SUBDOCUMENT    -    <iframe src>
XMLHTTPREQUEST    -    XMLHttpRequest()
EMBED    -    <embed src>
AUDIO    -    <audio src>
VIDEO    -    <video src>
SVG    -    ?
RESERVED    -    n/a

This raises a few questions:

1. OTHER: Here are some other HTML elements that can initiate a
download. Should these all go under OTHER or are any of these
significant enough to warrant a type?
<applet archive>
<body background> (although not standard, background also works on
table, tr, th, td and possibly other tags)
<html manifest>
<input type=image src>
<source src>
<track src>
<video poster>

2. CSS: I assume stylesheets included with <link> will be categorized
under LINK, right? So, is this for CSS subresources like @import,
@font, url()? If so, should we rename CSS_SUBRESOURCE or should we
have individual types for CSS_IMAGE, CSS_FONT, CSS_IMPORT?

3. FRAME/SUBDOCUMENT: A frame is a type of a subdocument. Maybe both
<frame> and <iframe> should be in the same category? If not, maybe
SUBDOCUMENT should be named IFRAME?

4. XMLHTTPREQUEST: There are several ways JS could initiate a resource
download. XMLHttpRequest() might be the most prominent, but should we
consider other ways (for instance XMLDocument.Load())?

5. SVG: There are several ways for SVG to download subresources. We
probably need to enumerate and decide whether they should all be
lumped into one or separated out.

6. PLUGIN: Should these count?


Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 18:30:57 UTC