RE: F2F meeting + change in weekly telecon time

On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 21:52 +0000, Nic Jansma wrote:
> 1-2pm PST works for Microsoft.  Jatinder was trying to get confirmation from Philippe that the conference call number will work at that time.

I'll get that to work for tomorrow's call.

> Philippe, when Tony and James tried to dial back in at 10:10am last Wednesday after having to leave momentarily, they weren't able to join.  Is there a time-of-day limitation to the line?

The duration of the call is one hour. We could increase if we want. But
after that hour, the bridge won't let people to join the call. That's
what happened I think,


Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 00:07:39 UTC