Re: introduction

Hello Cameron and everyone else!

I'm an engineer working on Google Chrome and as Cameron mentioned I've
implemented a vendor-prefixed version of the Animation Request Frame API
that is available in Chrome 10 and up.  I am also looking forward to working
with the group to turn this work into a polished web standard.

- James

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:38 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:

> Hi everyone.  I work at Mozilla in New Zealand and have recently joined
> the group to help with work on the Animation Request Frame specification
> that both myself and James Robinson have been iterating on.
> We now have a prefixed implementation in Gecko and WebKit, with slightly
> different functionality.  I think it would be good to push out a FPWD of
> the document relatively soon.  (Perhaps that needs to wait until the
> group has been rechartered?)
> I couldn’t see telcon information on,
> but if it is at the time mentioned in
> then that is 6am my local time, which is a bit earlier than I usually
> get up!
> Thanks,
> Cameron
> --
> Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Monday, 7 March 2011 00:39:25 UTC