Re: [RequestAnimationFrame] Please just copy iOS CADisplayLink

To the editors:

I stumble upon the way iOS does things.

This is just what we (everyone?) need. Nothing more, nothing less.

Please just copy it and you're done. ;-)

Almost identical to the Animator that I sketched. Just the right level 
of abstraction. All low level primitives (to build upon), with higher 
level state-handling for convenience.

Thank you,


On 17-7-2011 19:56, Jan Linnebank wrote:
> In reply to myself:
> Actually it doesn't need not be the callback return that determines 
> when the frame is drawn; rendering might happen async in the 
> background, for example in WebGL, so can extend past the time the 
> callback returns.
> So if the callback returns before the display-refresh, the rendering 
> might still be finished too late for it.
> So the actual issue is:
> "What about *frame-drawing* finishing too late for display-refresh?"
> Now wildly assuming the frame would just be displayed at the first 
> possible display-refresh after it's done rendering, this would 
> emphasize another issue: It is unknown beforehand when a frame is 
> actually displayed. Which, if not tackled somehow, would prevent 
> smooth animations. Frame-drawing code not knowing for which moment in 
> time ahead to draw the frame, results in well-known artifacts like 
> jumps and stuttering.
> A good solution is, for a given animation-sequence, to lower the 
> animation-frame-rate to a constant divider of the actual 
> display-refresh-rate. The divider is determined by the maximum number 
> of display-refreshes any frame-drawing took, recently. This way, 
> everything is still running vsync, while even the longest lasting 
> frame-drawings fit in the custom frame-interval. Buffer-swaps of 
> shorter-lasting frame drawings are delayed to align the same 
> frame-interval. This way the moment of display is known beforehand 
> again, allowing for proper animation.
> Only when a new maximum frame-draw refresh-span is reached a 'sync 
> error' (slight hick-up) might be visible. (But some determination 
> (calibration) of the max refresh-span might even be possible to do 
> 'invisibly' beforehand.)
> So we need a way to *delay the display* of the shorter lasting 
> frame-drawings so they align to the chosen frame-interval. The actual 
> display is in the realm of the user-agent, there's no way yet to 
> reliably influence that in user-code, so we need an extension in the 
> API: A return-value of the callback-function could be supported, 
> specifying how many extra display-refreshes need to be *skipped* 
> before actually displaying. ('undefined' would default to zero).
> This is most flexible and keeps options open for users to program 
> their own adaptive frame-rate housekeeping. (or create nice little 
> libraries for that).
> Additionaly some support could be baked-in for the most common cases.
> For example, some lightweight Animator object, which 
> increases/decreases the refresh-skips to fit the max encountered frame 
> refresh-span during some recent period. It would be possible and 
> advisable to users to use different Animator objects if they expect 
> different frame-drawing workload characteristics, thus frame-rates, 
> for different parts of their animations. (Even simultaneously).
> 'requestAnimationFrame()' would be a method of Animator. (maybe simply 
> named 'requestFrame()' in that case)
> (Or perhaps the registration of the animation-callback-function should 
> stay active until unregistered, and not need to be issued for each 
> frame. Furthermore, it only needs to be one, a delegate.)
> Another advantage of such an Animator object dialogue is that a method 
> or callback-param like 'lastFrameTime' could be supported (we need 
> this ;-), since it is clear to which frame callback we are referring 
> (in contrast to a Window scoped implicit Animator having multiple 
> different clients/callback functions running at the same time). It 
> provides a clear, animation-scoped 'dialogue'.
> On the other hand, when callback-functions would stick to the 
> Window-object until deregistered, such multi-callbacks spanning 
> dialogues could be supported as well, but that would change 
> programming style (negatively perhaps) a bit.
> Using something like the Animator keeps the measurement of a suitable 
> frame-interval out of the user's hands. However, since different 
> strategies and definitions for a 'suitable' frame-interval exist, and 
> depend on the user's intents, this should perhaps be an additional, 
> not the only way of controlling framerate. The Animator could just as 
> well be implemented as user-code.
> So far my thoughts, I may diverge completely from you intentions, and 
> browser reality, but perhaps this aligns or comes to use in one way or 
> the other.
> Regards,
> Jan Linnebank
> On 16-7-2011 4:51, Jan Linnebank wrote:
>> Regarding "Timing control for script-based animations, W3C Editor’s 
>> Draft 27 June 2011"
>> To the editors,
>> What would happen when a user's frame-callback doesn't return in time 
>> for the frame to be actually displayed on it's scheduled 
>> display-refresh?
>> Will it just be displayed on a later display-refresh?
>> Will the user have access to the timestamp of that actual later 
>> display-refresh (perhaps as extra param in the next callback, e.g. 
>> 'lastRefreshTime')?
>> Or will that timestamp simply be determinable by subtracting the 
>> refresh-interval from the timestamp of the next requestAnimationFrame 
>> callback?
>> (The latter two questions motivated again with regard to 
>> psychological reaction-time related experiments.)
>> Regards,
>> Jan Linnebank
>> at UvA NeuroTest B.V.

Received on Sunday, 17 July 2011 21:06:09 UTC