Web Timing and external measurements (ARM)?

Hi all,

today I read the announcement of the Web Performance Working Group of 
the W3C and joined the mailing list.

I'm the chief architect of MyARM and we provide performance measurement 
solutions based on the OpenGroup standard "Application Response 
Measurement (ARM)"  which defines response time measurement (so-called 
transactions) APIs for C and Java. Back in 2002/2003 I was a co-author 
of the ARM 4.0 standard.

Currently we at MyARM have a working prototype of a Firefox plugin which 
measures the client response time of the HTTP request using ARM. The 
major advantange of ARM is that it is possible to correlate client and 
server side measurements using the ARM correlator concept.

So we at MyARM are very interested in the upcoming WebTiming standards. 
Are there any plans to add hooks or events for each timing where an 
external plugin can call its own measurement routines (ARM)? With such 
hooks or events and ARM it is possible to break down a complex web 
request into its parts including server side (see apache mod_arm4 
module) response times!

Best regards,

Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 20:21:04 UTC