Decisions from last Internal Meeting

Dear WoT CG Participants,

In yesterday's Internal Meeting, we have agreed on a couple of points that we want to send via email as well. All discussions are minuted at

  *   We have agreed on using GitHub pages for the "What is WoT?" tutorial and as a result we had to agree on a URL scheme. We will be having "" as the root. The tutorial will be located at "". All URLs but this tutorial's URL will not be used unless we have content. E.g. "" and "" will be empty but they can be used for simple collection of links or other content later on. If you have any feedback on this, you can use or this email thread.
  *   As a follow up on the Home Assistant breakout at the W3C TPAC, we are forming grouped that is focused on this topic. Josh Cohen will be organizing the discussions. For now, we have named such groups "Focus Group" but we can change it based on feedback. The initial readme is at For any feedback, please reply to this email or create a discussion on our GitHub.
  *   Together with some others from the CG, I have been having calls to work on the "What is WoT?" tutorial series. We want to make it possible for anyone to participate. If you want to participate and contribute to it, please fill the Doodle at this link:
  *   Additionally, in order to work on resources mentioned at to have a relationship with the WG, we may need to update our charter<>. If you have points you think needs updating, please let us know.

With best regards,
Ege Korkan and Cristiano Aguzzi

Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 08:41:50 UTC