TPAC Questionnaire for WoT CG

Dear WoT CG Participants,

The W3C is planning the annual event where the entire W3C has the chance to meet. It is called TPAC and this year it is in Spain. You can find further information at [1]. We have talked about it during our meetups and on Discord, but we would like to ask your opinion on attendance with this email. Please fill the questionnaire linked below to indicate whether you want to participate in person or remotely. Please respond by the end of the week (21 May 2023).

Given enough interest, we will plan a session for ourselves (like an internal meeting) and a joint session with the WoT Working Group.



Best regards,
Ege Korkan and Cristiano Aguzzi

Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 12:30:10 UTC