Re: IOTDB worldview vs EVRTHNG

Hi there,

Following this discussion with great interest and while catching up with 
it I just wanted to clarify one thing:
While CoAP requires a browser extension (if no CoAP to HTTP proxy is 
provided), MQTT does not require a browser extension as you can access 
MQTT over WebSockets in the browser (TCP for both). A widespread .js 
library to do this is available here: and you can test it for instance 
with the EVRYTHNG pub/sub broker:

> Dave Raggett <>
> 4 June 2015 19:41
> Hi Nick,
> For the WoT Framework, you would use a library, and I have a demo in 
> the NodeJS project[1].  You are limited by the same origin policy, 
> unless the server sets an appropriate CORS header.  Another limitation 
> is to HTTP and Web Sockets, so you couldn’t use MQTT or CoAP without a 
> browser extension (see e.g. Copper on Firefox).

This is indeed totally valid for CoAP which does require a browser 
extension. However MQTT does not. MQTT is TCP
> [1]
> Best regards,
> —
>    Dave Raggett < <>>
> Dave Raggett <>
> 4 June 2015 19:22
> Here’s my summary of the basics for using REST from my slides on the 
> WoT Framework
>   Representational State Transfer (REST)
>   * HTTP GET to retrieve a thing's description
>   * HTTP GET to retrieve *all* properties of a thing
>   * HTTP PUT to update *all* properties of a thing
>   * HTTP PATCH to apply changes to *some* properties
>   * HTTP POST to invoke actions on a thing
>   * HTTP POST is also used to notify events
>       o To proxies or dependent things
>   REST can also be used with other protocols.
> These methods and their meaning are described in the HTTP specs, see 
> RFC 7231 and RFC 5789 for the PATCH method
> In respect to using PATCH here is an extract from RFC 5789:
> The URI paths are really a matter for each server.  For the Web of 
> Things, we would like to decouple scripting from the protocols, as 
> this makes scripting easier, it allows the protocols to be changed as 
> requirements evolve, and it makes it easier to implement highly 
> scalable service platforms.  As a result, developers only need to see 
> the URI for a thing’s description and won’t need to deal with the URIs 
> for the REST services described above.
> —
>    Dave Raggett < <>>
> David Janes <>
> 4 June 2015 17:53
> Yeah, I'm doing a brain dump / "strike when the iron is hot".
> (1)
> I would say that there's no need to leave REST principles unless 
> there's some overwhelming benefit. It's what makes the web amazing, 
> and why we're not all using X.25 / SNA / NAPLPS / DECnet / Gopher or 
> whatever!
> (2)
> So ignoring istate / ostate and other stuff I'm pushing consider this 
> resource:
> which - for discussion sake - has two attributes:
> {
>  lock: null,
>  is_locked: false
> }
> So this tells me that the door is unlocked (is_locked), and there's no 
> one trying to lock it (lock).
> If I want to lock the door, I can just PATCH the resource
> {
>  lock: true,
> }
> Which if we GET the resource immediately (before the locking 
> completes, which involves a motor and time) we see the interstitial state:
> {
>  lock: true,
>  is_locked: false
> }
> And eventually the operation completes and we end up with this state 
> (the command attribute "lock" is always nulled when complete).
> {
>  lock: null,
>  is_locked: true
> }
> 3)
> No polling is required - we have lots of technologies for delivering 
> status updates asynchronously, MQTT, XMPP, AMQP, CoAP
> 4)
> So this does everything the POST model EVRYTHNG does, doesn't create 
> state on the on the server, can be observed by as many clients as we 
> want, doesn't create new resources to observer, is a Noun URL, and is 
> fully RESTful.
> D.
> Vlad Trifa <>
> 3 June 2015 22:44
> Hello,
> Active day on this list I see ;)
>> You're still using a verb (changestatus) in the URL. So this is 
>> non-RESTful.
>> See anti-patterns on this page:
> Would you prefer .../actions/poolOfRequestsToChangeStatus/ instead? 
> This sounds much more RESTful to me, although a bit less pretty ;)
>> 2)
>> You've now created _another_ resource to be monitored - 
>> "". When do 
>> you dispose of it?
>> Note that this is another REST violation, as the server has to know 
>> that someone may be interested in what happened due to a request in 
>> the pass. It's not stateless:
> Hmmm... REST or not, the server doesn't care about clients indeed. 
> It's able to change its own resources when it wants! The server 
> decides how long to keep them, when to reset the counter, etc. So this 
> isn't anymore or less stateless than someone's bank account emptying 
> itself while he's not using his card (yeah, bills, etc.)
>> 3)
>> How does a third party know that " 
>> <>" is being 
>> manipulated at this time? Do I have to list what's at 
>> " 
>> <>" and check 
>> every one of the children? If I only get a list of "active request" 
>> children, does the server have to remember I was interested in this 
>> in case I check back to see how they worked out?
> I don't see where why this is relevant in this context (why the 
> API/WoT standard should handle/specify). It feels to me this is an 
> issue of server policy/SLA (how you want to implement it), which I'm 
> not gonna get into. In server-based Web Things, what I put in a server 
> should be stored for ever, until I delete it (or until I stop paying 
> the bills). But on an embedded device, I can be ok with only having a 
> 1h buffer. So I don't think there's right or wrong here, and I'd 
> rather focus on how to handle the basics of how to interact with a 
> thing (which is the most important thing we need to agree on I think)
>> 4)
>> Is this not RPC? Does not the resource 
>> "" represent 
>> the end-to-end request, response, status of a particular action request?
> I'm not sure I understand this. It does indeed, but can you give me an 
> example of why/when this is a problem?
> Thanks!
>> D.
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 8:48 AM, Vlad Trifa < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Hey David,
>>     I partially agree with this.
>>     I'll rarely need to get the metadata of what properties & co are,
>>     so they obviously shouldn't be returned every time, and that's
>>     why you'd call the end-point below only once (to discover it and
>>     understand it). Then you'll only need to interact with
>>     ".../sensors/humidity" directly where you don't get that data
>>     model anymore - but just the definition.
>>     I'm not OK with the idea that any property and sensor MUST use
>>     JSON-LD. If we can all agree here on one basic model that is good
>>     enough and sufficiently flexible to deal with (yes, you are
>>     introducing some coupling, which you're doing with JSON-LD
>>     anyway, and even more so), then I don't need JSON-LD.
>>     But I'm obviously OK with the idea that any device can (and even
>>     should) expose its services with json-id so that it has more
>>     flexibility to expose metadata & co and more (non-wot) clients
>>     can also process it.
>>     Now, where I disagree is the "actions" model is RPC and
>>     non-RESTful. This is most likely because I didn't explain them
>>     well, so let's see:
>>     Doing a PUT .../actions/lockdoor is indeed non-RESTful (or worse:
>>     GET .../actions/lockdoor?lock=true ---> horrible, I know!!),
>>     because you're putting rpc semantics in the URL. That's bad!
>>     BUT, this is _not_ how actions work!
>>     When you do an action, you're creating a REST resource (so you
>>     MUST use POST), and this resource is a "request to do something"
>>     (that might happen or not).
>>     The way you'd unlock the door would look like this:
>>     POST
>>     {
>>     "status":"lock"
>>     }
>>     202 ACCEPTED  (or 201 CREATED, if instantaneous)
>>     Location:
>>     Then you can retrieve this resource any later time and see
>>     whether it's been successfully executed or not. This has the
>>     added advantage that you naturally have a buffer where different
>>     clients can schedule several requests simultaneously (and the
>>     device decides when & how to schedule those), which is
>>     particularly helpful, clean, and RESTful.
>>     I'll happily sit down and watch you demonstrate what's not
>>     RESTful about this ;)
>>     What do you think?
>>     Vlad
>>>     On 03 Jun 2015, at 00:50, David Janes <
>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>     So just taking these as examples (make sure to add Accept:
>>>     application/json)
>>>       "humidity": {
>>>         "description": "A temperature sensor.",
>>>         "frequency": 5000,
>>>         "name": "Humidity Sensor",
>>>         "timestamp": "2015-06-02T16:06:26.398Z",
>>>         "type": "float",
>>>         "unit": "percent",
>>>         "value": 40.2
>>>       },
>>>     From IOTDB's POV, there's a bunch of stuff being mixed together
>>>     here:
>>>     The model, comprising the values: description, type, unit
>>>     The metadata, comprising the value: name, frequency
>>>     The ostate, comprising: timestamp, value
>>>     In IOTDB world, the value record would look something like this:
>>>     {
>>>      "@context": "...",
>>>      "value": 40.2,
>>>      "timestamp": "2015-06-02T16:06:26.398Z",
>>>     }
>>>     @context is JSON-LD magic to provide meaning to "value" and
>>>     "timestamp", defined in the Model (@vocab may be needed too,
>>>     JSON-LD needs some tightening).
>>>     The Model is then basically static, and the part that defines
>>>     value e.g. looks like this
>>>     {
>>>      "@id": "#value",
>>>      "iot:unit": "iot:float",
>>>      "iot:purpose": "iot-attribute:sensor.humidity",
>>>     }
>>>     A lot of those iot: can be taken out, but you get used to it.
>>>     Metadata is less frequently changing data and is to taste, but
>>>     you'll note that the value will only reference the Model, not
>>>     the Metadata. Furthermore, Metadata will typically draw it's
>>>     definitions from the core vocab, rather than having to be
>>>     defined on a case by case basis.
>>>     D.
> David Janes <>
> 3 June 2015 21:06
> __ REST / Actions __ (sorry, gmail won't let me change the Subject:)
> Thanks, I get what you're saying I'm pretty sure.
> 1)
> You're still using a verb (changestatus) in the URL. So this is 
> non-RESTful.
> See anti-patterns on this page:
> 2)
> You've now created _another_ resource to be monitored - 
> "". When do you 
> dispose of it?
> Note that this is another REST violation, as the server has to know 
> that someone may be interested in what happened due to a request in 
> the pass. It's not stateless:
> 3)
> How does a third party know that " 
> <>" is being 
> manipulated at this time? Do I have to list what's at 
> " 
> <>" and check 
> every one of the children? If I only get a list of "active request" 
> children, does the server have to remember I was interested in this in 
> case I check back to see how they worked out?
> 4)
> Is this not RPC? Does not the resource 
> "" represent 
> the end-to-end request, response, status of a particular action request?
> D.

Received on Friday, 5 June 2015 07:39:56 UTC