Hi all,
I had a talk on that with
Charalampos Doukas
Thomas Amberg
https://twitter.com/tamberg <https://twitter.com/tamberg>
https://twitter.com/BuildingIoT <https://twitter.com/BuildingIoT>
on this latest Google initiative: trailing on urls for objects
https://github.com/google/physical-web/blob/master/documentation/technical_overview.md <https://github.com/google/physical-web/blob/master/documentation/technical_overview.md>
and we realized that as you assign your device through the (bluetooth) beacon you are effectively adding these devices to the Google web. So if you go out to a friend you will see their devices. But in what order? Who prioritizes the devices, according to which criteria? Google ads! :)- the relevant sorting. Maybe you have to pay for being shown all devices on the discovery list?
So dangerous and yet so alluring to developers, just assign urls to objects.
The idea itself is good.
Thomas says: you as a user will help them catalogue the devices — location
But what if the list goes to an open and public initiative? It should not feed into Google of course.
Then you could walk around and feed your local internet of neighborhoods,
Greetings, Rob
Rob van Kranenburg 罗万魁
Founder of Council; theinternetofthings.eu
Community Manager; sociotal.eu
Chair of Activity Chain 8 Societal of the IERC; www.internet-of-things-research.eu
> Op 27-nov.-2014, om 02:15 heeft 전종홍 <hollobit@etri.re.kr> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi All,
> FYI - Google Reveals ‘The Physical Web,’ A Project To Make Internet Of Things Interaction App-Less.
> How about to consider it in the scope of WoT IG.
> http://techcrunch.com/2014/10/02/google-the-physical-web/ <http://techcrunch.com/2014/10/02/google-the-physical-web/>
> https://google.github.io/physical-web/ <https://google.github.io/physical-web/>
> Best Regards,
> --- Jonathan Jeon