Re: Updated charter for proposed WoT CG

On 19/05/13 18:21, Dave Raggett wrote:
> I would very much like your feedback on the updated draft charter for
> the proposed W3C Community Group on the Web of Things, see:
> This now sets up a set of goals, a rough roadmap, and a broad
> description of the scope. It will be very important to agree on core use
> cases as a means to focus attention on a manageable number of work
> items. Note that we can revise the charter after the Community Group has
> started, so we don't have to get everything perfect before launching the
> CG, which I would like to do as soon as possible.

My thanks to Payam for his comments, and hope my responses are adequate. 
I haven't heard any specific requests for changes, and now propose to 
push the button on the W3C website to initiate the Community Group this 
week on Wednesday, June 5. If you have any changes you like to see 
before then please let us know, and remember that we will be able to 
make changes later if we need.

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 14:56:03 UTC