Web Notifications to PR: 48-hour Call for Consensus (CFC)

This is a Call for Consensus to the members of the Web Notification Working
group to record a Working Group decision on requesting transition of the
Web Notifications specification to W3C Proposed Recommendation (PR) status.


To weigh in on this proposal to transition the specification to PR, please
reply to this message before July 30th with either an expression of
agreement or an expression of disagreement.

Silence will be interpreted as agreement, though specific expressions of
agreement are certainly welcome.

If this CFC carries, then on July 30th we’ll record a Working Group
decision supporting the request, and we’ll send the actual transition
request to the W3C Director, and will schedule a meeting with the Director
to get a Director’s decision about the transition.


Michael[tm] Smith https://people.w3.org/mike

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2015 08:36:24 UTC