Re: Feedback from Safari on Web Notifications

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 10:15 AM, John Gregg <> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
>> 4. Improve show() behavior.
>> We think show() can only be used once per notification. Subsequent
>> invocations should call onerror().
> Agreed that show() is only meant to be used once.  Ian Hickson has made
> the related suggestion that show() should not exist as a method, but rather
> that show() be implicit in the constructor.  I don't prefer that because it
> requires that all possible optional parameters of the notification be
> provided in the constructor, which makes the interface harder to use.  I
> prefer using onerror to deal with multiple attempts to show, but this
> should be resolved by the WG.

I second Ian's suggestion . This is the direction we're taking many other
things in the platform and it's been a clear improvement. For example,
we're removing all the init*Event methods for custom events and just using
the constructors. The way we've been dealing with extra arguments is by
passing in a dictionary for the optional arguments. So the API would be:

title, DOMString body, NotificationOptions optionsDict);

NotificationsOptions can contain iconURL, onclick, dir, replaceId, etc.

What's the use-case for creating a Notification and then setting these

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2012 21:55:30 UTC