Re: Notification size

I am not terribly interested in HTML notifications, but...

Could you make the onclick handler just expand the notification?  Then have the notification be dismissed after the user clicks again, or click a 'close' box?

On Sep 30, 2010, at 10:38 AM, John Gregg wrote:

> Some developers using Chrome notifications have said that they would like to be able to control the size of the notification bubble from the application.  The use case here is a meeting reminder with potentially a lot of information (location, people attending, etc.) that the application wants to make available at a glance inside the notification.
> It would certainly be difficult (perhaps impossible) to apply a size request to text+icon notifications which are being displayed through a platform notification service, but might apply to HTML notifications.  
> I have concerns that arbitrary sizing decided by the application would move notifications beyond the primary goal of passive alerting, but wanted to ask the WG about it -- other thoughts on how to address this use case?  
> A possible alternative would be a resize() method that could only be invoked on a user gesture, so a notification could be expanded on click.
> Thanks,
>  -John

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 17:44:48 UTC