Re: Feedback about WebNFC API


Thank you for the feedback and the use case.
After the current phase is over we will discuss next steps.
It would help if you could paste the feedback also in one of the issues
that discuss this, or create a separate issue if you wish.

There have been a lot of requests for supporting transceive() and there is
good will to support it.
Technically it's feasible, create a web'ish API that is simple yet covers
most use cases.
The difficult question is security and privacy. The API exposure is huge,
and it is arguably more complex than for the APIs made for apps distributed
in an app store.
If you have input on security/privacy threats and mitigations related to
the API so far, they are most welcome, as we are striving to improve the
Security section of the spec.

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 2 March 2020 10:43:44 UTC