from November 2019 by subject

[web-nfc] Add onerror example (#439)

[web-nfc] Add onerror NDEFReader event (#432)

[web-nfc] Answer security and privacy questionaire (#457)

[web-nfc] Can I use Web-NFC to issue "commands" to NFC tags? (#452)

[web-nfc] Can't read empty tags (#442)

[web-nfc] Do not use 'any' to define NDEFRecordInit#data (#453)

[web-nfc] Fix problems in "Create NDEF message" (#444)

[web-nfc] How to update a record? (#315)

[web-nfc] Implementation status page (#455)

[web-nfc] Keep (how?) or remove the record id? (#445)

[web-nfc] Missing some record types in the algo creating ndef messages (#408)

[web-nfc] Move Security section to the end. Fix HTML errors. (#436)

[web-nfc] Move user activation to obtain permission (#449)

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by beaufortfrancois

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by kenchris

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by zolkis

[web-nfc] non-Mime record should have a null mediaType (#441)

[web-nfc] Notify NFCReaders of failures when trying to get a message from a tag? (#279)

[web-nfc] Notify user activation on NFC tap. (#368)

[web-nfc] obtain reading and push permission should be the same (#438)

[web-nfc] Problems in '9.10.1 Creating NDEF message' (#443)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Add feature support example

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Add onerror example

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Add onerror NDEFReader event

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Add user activation requirement for push and scan

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Do not use 'any' to define NDEFRecordInit#data

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Fix "Parsing NDEF absolute-URL records" section

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Fix #396: add section for local type record

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Fix problems in "Create NDEF message"

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Move Security section to the end. Fix HTML errors.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Move user activation to obtain permission

[web-nfc] Pull Request: non-Mime record should have a null mediaType

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Remove deprecated security-privacy and use-cases document

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Remove URL constraint for record id

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Replace [[PayloadData]] with record's data.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Update Security section

[web-nfc] push and scan should be gated by user activation (#425)

[web-nfc] reg-name ABNF is unspecified (#350)

[web-nfc] Remove deprecated security-privacy and use-cases document (#450)

[web-nfc] Remove NDEFPushOptions ignoreRead (#424)

[web-nfc] Remove NDEFRecord.[[PayloadData]] internal slot (#447)

[web-nfc] Rephrase "triggered by user activation" (#431)

[web-nfc] Replace [[PayloadData]] with record's data. (#448)

[web-nfc] scan() should validate NDEFScanOptions#{recordType,mediaType} (#437)

[web-nfc] Security Review: push() method:  The “platform specific timeout” should be bounded (#208)

[web-nfc] Security section (#264)

[web-nfc] Spec disagrees with Security section (#420)

[web-nfc] Suggest a permission UI flow (#3)

[web-nfc] Support Handover records (#364)

[web-nfc] Support Signature records (#363)

[web-nfc] Update Security section (#440)

[web-nfc] User feedback: PWA integration (#429)

[web-nfc] What is the correct way to check whether the browser supports Web NFC API or not? (#434)

[web-nfc] Write explainer (#456)

Closed: [web-nfc] Can't read empty tags (#442)

Closed: [web-nfc] Data Mapping part is missing toRecords() (#354)

Closed: [web-nfc] Do not use 'any' to define NDEFRecordInit#data (#453)

Closed: [web-nfc] Keep (how?) or remove the record id? (#445)

Closed: [web-nfc] Notify NFCReaders of failures when trying to get a message from a tag? (#279)

Closed: [web-nfc] Notify user activation on NFC tap. (#368)

Closed: [web-nfc] obtain reading and push permission should be the same (#438)

Closed: [web-nfc] Problems in '9.10.1 Creating NDEF message' (#443)

Closed: [web-nfc] push and scan should be gated by user activation (#425)

Closed: [web-nfc] Remove NDEFRecord.[[PayloadData]] internal slot (#447)

Closed: [web-nfc] Rephrase "triggered by user activation" (#431)

Closed: [web-nfc] Security Review: push() method:  The “platform specific timeout” should be bounded (#208)

Closed: [web-nfc] Spec disagrees with Security section (#420)

Closed: [web-nfc] Suggest a permission UI flow (#3)

Closed: [web-nfc] What is the correct way to check whether the browser supports Web NFC API or not? (#434)

Last message date: Friday, 29 November 2019 22:00:38 UTC