Re: Implementation status update


What browser do I use to test and demonstrate my Web NFC code? navigator.nfc is undefined in the current Chromium raw
Linux build  (revision 411254, 54.0.2827.0), even though the last NFC commit was on June 10. Do I have to build Chromium
myself, or apply patches?

With Web Bluetooth now available in mainline Chrome, I'm eager to see Web NFC progress, because tapping is by far the
simplest way to get an Android browser to open a URL (after first opening the default browser if necessary). By
contrast, Bluetooth requires selection of a target device, and I'm not sure it can activate a browser from a URL
message. The only alternative to Web NFC for Web navigation is QR-codes, which are messy for peer-to-peer.

Also, I'm assuming that Web NFC won't work in current iOS devices, because the NFC peripheral is reserved for Apple Pay
-- although future devices may allow it through a second NFC antenna (perhaps forced to use non-secure mode so as to not
allow use by Apple Pay alternatives).


On 31/03/16 20:22, Kostiainen, Anssi wrote:
> Hi All,
> You may have noticed the discussion around Web NFC API [1] has slowed down. This is to be expected as the v1 spec has been feature complete since early January and is being implemented in Chromium (see the meta bug [2] and the actual implementation [3,4]).
> My expectation is that the implementation feedback will help us iron out the remaining rough edges from the spec, and you'll get to play with the API in the near future in a browser near you. When v1 ships we can also start to look into v2 plans.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (CG chair)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2016 05:40:27 UTC